Page 236 - PDI Vol 2
P. 236
Programme Actions/Activities
The Piped Water Supply Scheme comprises of following components. All these components need to be taken into account by the GP
while implementing the program : Component Description
1 Source/ intake works Intake works are the surface water sources-such as Open Well, Tube
Well, Hand pump, Pond etc for withdrawal of water and its
discharge into an intake conduit through which it will flow into the
water works system
The second source is Ground Water ice the water located beneath
the ground surface. Rain water that percolates into the ground becomes
ground water
2 Raw water storages Raw water is stored in large water tanks/ reservoirs to avoid water shortages and
abrupt water quality change
3 Transmission System The transmission system deliver raw water / treated water from the source to the
treatment plants / to the storage reservoirs for supply into distribution networks.
4 Filtration unit The raw water is treated to make it potable. The common treatment include Slow
Sand filtration, Reverse Osmosis & Chlorination etc
5 Pumping Machinery Pumping machinery and pumping station distribute the water through the
distribution net work The machinery are subjected to wear, tear.
6 Disinfection. The disinfection of water kills bacteria, viruses and parasites. The methods of
disinfection include chlorination, bleaching powder ozone, ultra-violet light &
silver ionization etc.
7 Balancing Reservoir Balancing reservoir has number of service reservoirs to ensure proper distribution
through independent feeder mains
8 Distribution system Distribution system deliver safe drinking water to the consumer at adequate
pressure in sufficient quantity, This include main Line ,Branch Pipeline House
hold Tap etc
Theme 4: Water Sufficient Village