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There are many approaches to assigning weights to indicators.   As mentioned in earlier Paras, the thematic score of a GP will
         The weights can be assigned according to the output value of   be used for calculating the PDI score of GP. This can be done
         indicators  like  in  CPI  and  WPI,  where  weights  are  assigned   using the geometric mean of thematic score with equal weights,
         according to the price value of items consumed or produced in   as themes though being dimensionless cannot be compared ipso
         the base  year. In some cases,  weights are assigned as per the   facto  to  each  other.  However,  if  desired,  while  arriving  at
         current price values of items. The weights can also be assigned   aggregate  of  scores  for  a  Gram  Panchayat  on  the  Themes
         according  to  the  population  affected  or  impacted  by  the   scores, weights can be used based on the impact of an indicator
         indicators  as  is  the  case  of  many  developmental  indices.    on multiple themes and SDGs. So, if an indicator is important
         However, in cases  where items are heterogeneous in terms of   for  4  Themes,  it  can  have  a  weight  of  4  in  each  Theme  and
         units/ dimensions or significance, the most common approach is   achieving progress in it can be having greater value (though as
         to  assign  weights  as  per  the  perception  values.  But  as   it  is  all  4  Themes  together  gives  it  a  weight  of  4  in  the  PDI
         perceptions  varies  with  different  stakeholders,  an  unweighted   calculation). Alternately, to equate its impact on the entire PDI,

         index is also constructed like happiness index.        it may get 0.25 weight at each place. This is not recommended
                                                                as it undermines the value of the indicator. In as much as it is
         The  indicators/  data  points  selected  for  PDI  varies  in
                                                                coming under 4 Themes, it is certainly more valuable, and the
         characteristics and there cannot be a rationale criterion to assign
                                                                use of standard equal weights  would automatically give it the
         higher importance to one indicator over others. Hence, it is felt
                                                                higher weightage in the PDI.
         that at this juncture, the PDI at unit level can have as in SDGII,
         equal  weights  or  no  weights  assigned  to  indicators  for  the   We can also assign weights as per the number of SDGs covered
         thematic scores in a GP.                               in  each  theme  irrespective  of  the  facts  that  some  SDG  Goals
                                                                feature in more than one theme and most of the themes cover
         However,  this  is  not  a  thumb  rule  and  varied  weights  can  be
         used  at  any  stage  to  reflect  the  relative  importance  of  an   more than one goal.
         indicator.  Other  than  just  choice  of  indicator,  such  as  priority   The  States  may  choose  to  give  differential  weights  based  on
         indicators,  the  use  of  differential  weights  will  have  different   their  priorities  in  the  use  of  the  LIF  &  PDI  by  them.
         impact  on  the  values  of  the  indicators  on  the  scoring.  Hence   Enterprising  Districts  may  use  this  tool  to  get  officials  and
         even  within  the  priorities,  weights  can  be  given  at  National   Gram Panchayats to pay attention to certain critical indicators
         level assessment of the Indicators and through that the message   for  the  district.  When  the  PDI  with  all  its  Thematic  scores
         that  is  sought  to  be  communicated.  The  more  the  weight,  the   becomes  the  tool  for  the  Gram  Panchayats  in  its  use  for
         more  significant  it  will  mean  it  is  and  the  high  score  or  low   communication and self-evaluation, the choice of weights in the
         score on that indicator would get amplified. For understanding   selected  indictors  can  tilt  substantially  their  assessment  and
         and experimenting  with the  use of  weights, it  would be  more   allow them to use it for their plans and outcomes.
         useful to select just the most important amongst them from the
                                                                It is early stages yet to take these differential weights and play
         National perspective, in each Theme and assign the weights and
                                                                of weights as a tool for pushing forward on KPIs. However, this
         look  at  the  present  and  emerging  position  of  the  Gram
                                                                is  worth  experimenting  with  on  pilot  basis  with  select  Gram
         Panchayats,  in  the  next  assessment.  Taking  those  that  are
                                                                Panchayats  and  in  the  analysis    of  PDI  and  providing  its
         National  Missions  and  to  ensure  greater  attention  to  the
                                                                interpretation.  Systemic  option  for  this  may  be  built  into  the
         indicators reflecting them within the framework, we can get the
                                                                software to be developed for the PDI etc.
         amplified values that present the status in a manner that stands

         out for all.

                                         PDI Committee Report - 2023: Panchayat Development Index                  66
   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97