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Indicators in the LIF and specific district/ block target values. consultation with the top end. This may be by 2030 by some
Target values need to be discussed with the Line Ministries/ and earlier by others. The groups of GPs can be called in for
Departments concerned. The MoPR at national level must discussion to fix the annual targets for that group, For eg, if GPs
consult Panchayats at various levels of development, and based are as per baseline in the 40s range, they would have a different
on discussion with Panchayats, and consultative process arrive annual target, than the GPs in the 60s range. These targets as
at the Target values that would be applicable for all GPs as per discussion with GPs become the targets for the similar range
National Targets, not for the current year, but as the ultimate of GPs to achieve and their progress can be measured there
target which in the SDG context is 2030. These targets would against. This would be an annual exercise with review of
provide a value for looking at the desired level to be reached, previous year and plan for the next. Naturally, those who fell
the distance from that value, and consequently enable better short need introspection and analysis as to why, and those who
application of resources. Progress towards the target can be went beyond need to share their method of working for success.
measured annually for the Gram Panchayats.
Limiting Gram Panchayats to As indicators have different units and dimensions, it is
an average high, will be a no motivator for
reaching higher. necessary to assign them Weights as per their significance in the
index. The weights serve the purpose of providing due
importance to the indicators/units in the index. Weights also
However, Gram Panchayats must set their own targets.
serve the need of making the index sensitive to the needs of
Different Gram Panchayats are somewhere on the continuum
stakeholders. However, assigning weights has an element of
some closer some further away. Limiting Gram Panchayats to
subjectivity as different stakeholders may have different stakes
an average high, will be a no motivator for reaching higher.
in the index and accordingly their assessment of significance of
Hence, it is necessary to encourage Gram Panchayats to reach
indicators varies.
to their highest potential and reach for the stars, including the
Navaratna referred in the LSDG Report. A star for each Theme
achieved, at that level as has been fixed as the Target level for
the Indicators of that Theme; 9 Stars – Navaratna.
Awards or no awards, they need to go for it. The time frame and
breakdown of these to annual targets must be built into the
system of self-assessment as well as drawn for external
assessment and sharing of best performances.
Groups of GPs
Different GPs will be at different levels in the
development scale of PDI; targets as per
discussion with GPs become the targets for
the similar range of GPs to achieve, and their
progress can be measured there against.
As different GPs will be at different levels in the development
scale of PDI, expecting a common target for all immediately
will not be practical. The decision for final target can be by
PDI Committee Report - 2023: Panchayat Development Index 65