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Gram Panchayats themselves can choose priorities. This may be
                                                                what is their felt need, what appeals to them from the 9 Themes.
                                                                Their  choice  of  Sankalp  can  be  read  as  their  priority.
                                                                Necessarily, their choices of indicators within the Sankalp and
                                                                in  other  Themes  is  for  them  to  prioritize.  This  is  difficult  to
                                                                compare across GPs, straight away, but can be done in future by

                                                                placing certain features in the Indicator choice.
                                                                Globally, the urgency to address certain Targets had put them
                                                                for the year 2020, and few for 2025, and rest for 2030. A look at
                Percentage  Availability of  toilets separately  for  men
                                                                those that in the UNSDG Agenda for all, were to be for the year
                and women at public buildings
                                                                2020, and for the year 2025, needs to be looked at in the context
                Percentage  of  community  and  institutional  toilets   of the GPs LIF and needs to find place in the Priority Indicators.
                having a toilet designed for Divyang (Disabled)
                                                                MoPR  has  aligned  the  National  Panchayat  Awards  with  90
                Percentage of functional IHHL Toilets           Indicators  being  taken  from  the  LIF.  This  aligned  listing  is
                                                                given in Annexure-I, Table-19.
                Percentage Availability of toilets in Anganwadis (child
                friendly toilets)                               MoPR has in discussion with States and Ministries identified a
                                                                set of 181 LIF and has worked further to connect it in the GPDP
         Ministries  have  also  been  requested  to  inform  the  National
                                                                with activities for each. These 181 are given in the Annexure-I,
         priorities  and  replies  have  been  coming  in.  This  would  all
         together, give the National priorities.
                                                                MoPR  has  through  a  series  of  discussions  with  the  MoRD,
         State  priorities  may  be  different  in  parts  from  the  National
                                                                worked towards the correlation of MA Survey to the LIF. Under
         priorities due to the needs and focus areas of the State. A State
                                                                the MA Survey, 157 Indicators/data points have been covered.
         like Kerala  would have different priorities vis-a-vis Rajasthan
         or Odisha. Hilly States may have different priorities than other   The choice of indicators as per MA survey as priority indicators
         States.  The  Committee  requested  States  also  on  priority   is not recommended by the Committee due to the  reason that
         indicators.                                            the  purpose  of  MA  and  PDI  are  different.  Already  MoPR  is
                                                                having  the  NPA,  using  a  set  of  parameters.  MA  survey  is
         District  priorities  may  be  there,  backward  districts  and  other
                                                                compared to the LIF in terms of Themes and Indicators covered
         districts  may  be  having  different  priorities  amongst  the
                                                                in Annexure-I, Table-18. MA covers  primarily Infrastructure.
         indicators  due  to  their  sectors  of  performance  at  higher  level
                                                                If  MA  is  taken  as  priority  the  very  purpose  of  PDI  and  LIF
         and lagging areas and amongst them the most important in the
                                                                would be defeated.
         continuum   of   development.   Social,   economic   and
         environmental  factors  may  determine  priorities;  for  e.g.:   Considering the above, Priorities can be seen at National level
         Disaster prone/ vulnerable areas. Blocks within Districts could   in different Ministries, as stands out in Flagship schemes  and
         well be needing different priorities in their choices of indicators.   Missions, at State level, District level, block level. Priorities as
         A  block  categorized  as  dark  would  now  have  a  Thematic   laid down for the country and by Central Ministries and State
         Indicator set in Water Sufficient Village and can set its priority   governments will get done anyway and the GPs will be covered
         to have all Gram Panchayats in the block achieve the status of   through  official  mechanisms  in  any  case.  District  and  Block
         Water sufficient village and be able to assess the impact of the   priorities  need  dynamic  officers  at  the  district  level,  and

         interventions against all relevant indicators.                Deciding of Priority Indicators be
                                                                          consciously left to the GPs.

                                         PDI Committee Report - 2023: Panchayat Development Index                  58
   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89