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Table 5.2: Summary of the National Indices

         Indicators                 Dimensions                                         Developed by
                                    Source augmentation and restoration of waterbodies,
                                    Source augmentation (Groundwater), Major and medium
                                    irrigation—Supply side management, Watershed
                                                                                       NITI Aayog, Ministry of Jal
         Composite Water            development— Supply side management, Participatory
                                                                                       Shakti and Ministry of Rural
         Management Index           irrigation practices—Demand side management,
                                    Sustainable on-farm water use practices—Demand side
                                    management, Rural drinking water, Urban water supply and
                                    sanitation, Policy and governance

                                    Agriculture and Allied Sector, Commerce and Industry,
                                    Human Resource Development, Public Health, Public   Department of Administrative
         Good Governance Index      infrastructure & Utilities, Economic Governance, Social   Reforms & Public Grievances,
                                    Welfare & Development, Judiciary and Public Safety,   GoI
                                    Environment, Citizen Centric Governance

         An instance of district (The District Administration Bandipore, J&K) initiative to rank their gram panchayats has come to the notice
         of the Committee, which was initiated in 2019. Information of its current status could not be obtained. This District Index, is more on
         the lines of the Aspirational Districts frame as can be seen below.

                        Table 5.3: District Index prepared by District Administration of Bandipore, J&K

         Indicators                          Dimensions                                      Developed by

                                             Health & Nutrition, Education, Agriculture and allied,   District Administration
         District PDI at J&K
                                             Skill Development and Self-employment, Financial   Bandipore

                                             Inclusion, and Basic infrastructure
         All  the  indices  follow  a  similar  statistical  method  for  computation.  However,  they  differ  in  weightage  calculation.  Combining
         methodology of all the indices, five general stages of index computation is given below:

                              PDI Committee Report - 2023: Panchayat Development Index                      55
   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86