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will  be  increased  attention  to  this  untapped  potential  for   developmental status and the LIF scores will give the areas that

         grassroots socio-economic development.                 can  be addressed and needs to be looked at. They are also in a
                                                                position to compare themselves with others and be spurred by
         The  shift  from  inputs  and  input  monitoring  to  output  and
                                                                competition, goals and targets. The PRIs would be better placed
         outcome  monitoring  would  enable  PRIs  to  look  at  their
                                                                with  this  to  stake  their  claim  and  raise  their  voice  and  place
         progress, and draw attention to the issues to be addressed with
                                                                their  needs  and  interact  with  various  Departments,  and
         the various agencies concerned. The Local Indicator Framework
                                                                organisations.  The  LIF  would  give  them  data  that  they  can
         (LIF) promises to be a robust monitoring framework that will
                                                                use for preparing their plans and will thus be perfectly in line
         put the Panchayat Development Index into place in alignment
                                                                with  their  constitutional  role  expected.  The  socio-economic
         with the  nine  Local Sustainable Development Goals (LSDGs)
                                                                developmental  goals  can  be  better  addressed  with  the
         identified  with  relevant  local  targets  and  indicators  for
                                                                information,  and  correlation  to  GPDP  and  outcomes  that  LIF
         measuring progress. This would assist integrate evidence-based
                                                                and  PDI  will  provide.  Thematic  achievements  can  be  better
         action  plans  to  efficiently  allocate  resources  with  SDG
                                                                targeted.  Information  is  power;  this  power  will  be  made
         markers  that  are  clearly  in  place,  while  simultaneously
                                                                available through the LIF and PDI and its converging with the
         addressing all initiatives and interventions that are operating at
                                                                various  policy  and  programme  initiatives  being  taken,  and  in
         the Gram Panchayat Level. The LIF and PDI will provide this
         information and evidence can be presented for them to look at   progress over the years, to strengthen the third tier of local self-
         the entire 29 subjects in an easier way. The PDI would give the

                                                      The Local Indicator
                                                Framework (LIF) promises to be a
                                               robust monitoring framework that will
                                               put the Panchayat Development Index
                                                 into place in alignment with SDG
                                                markers and assist integrate evidenc
                                                 e-based action plans to efficiently
                                               allocate resources, to stake their claim
                                                and raise their voice and place their
                                                  needs and interact with various
                                                Departments and organisations and
                                                 strengthen local self-government

                         PDI Committee Report - 2023: Policy Efforts by MoPR to strengthen PRIs
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