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Beneficiary lists - MoPR is also providing an online system to   Panchayats have prepared  Citizen Charter for effective delivery
                                                                of different services.
         show the list of the beneficiary of various Central Government
         Schemes on e-GramSwaraj. As on date, data from 7 Ministries
         and  18  schemes  with  details  of  around  17  crore  beneficiaries
         have been ported.

         Audit  Online  -  Huge  amount  of  funds  devolved  to  the

         Panchayats; it is imperative to monitor the public expenditure
         and  also  ensure  their  audits  are  carried  out.  In  this  regard,
         MoPR  launched  the  Audit  Online  application  on  15 April
         2020,  for  carrying  out  online  Audits  of  Panchayat  accounts  –
         further   strengthening   the   financial   management   and
         transparency of the Panchayats.   Audit Online is also linked to
         the accounting  module of eGramSwaraj  whereby auditors  can
         access various information pertaining to Panchayat accounts.

                                                                Localization of Sustainable Development Goals (LSDGs)
                                                                India is a signatory to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
                                                                to be achieved by 2030 and has demonstrated its commitment to
                                                                the achievements of SDGs through the Rashtriya Gram Swaraj

         Citizen’s  Charter -  Ministry  of  Panchayati  Raj  has  prepared  a
                                                                Abhiyan   (RGSA)   Scheme   bringing   together   various
         Model  Panchayat  Citizens  Charter/  framework  for  timely
                                                                interventions  in  MoPR  as  well  as  across  sectors,  through
         delivery  of  the  services  across  the  29  subjects.  The  Citizen
                                                                participatory  local  planning  at  Gram  Panchayat  level.  MoPR
         Charter  would  ensure  transparent  and  effective  delivery  of
                                                                went  even  more  focussed  in  order  to  attain  the  SDGs  at  the
         public services  for sustainable development.  ‘Meri Panchayat,
                                                                grassroots,  and  9  Themes  of  relevance  to  Panchayats  for
         Mera Adhikaar- Jan Sevaayein Hamaare Dwaar’ Campaign has
                                                                Localization of Sustainable Development Goals (LSDGs) were
         been rolled out for ensuring the Gram Panchayats have a citizen
                                                                identified which are as follows:
         charter approved by the respective Gram Sabhas in place. Type
         of services to be delivered by the Panchayats in collaboration   i.   Poverty free and enhanced livelihoods Panchayat
         with line departments for ease of living are broadly classified as   ii.  Healthy Panchayat
         certificate / license/ permissions; development related ( issue of   iii.  Child Friendly Panchayat
         Mahatma Gandhi NREGS Job Card,  Request to recommend for   iv.  Water Sufficient Panchayat
         skill training under SANKALP, Recognition of Prior Learning   v.  Clean and Green Panchayat
         (RPL)  and  PM  KVY  etc);  COVID/  Public  Health  Related;   vi.  Panchayat with Self-sufficient Infrastructure
         Taxation;  Drinking  Water;  Sanitation;  Street  Lighting;   vii.  Socially Just and Socially Secured Panchayat
         Community  Assets;  Connectivity;  Digital  services,  Welfare   viii. Panchayat with Good Governance
         related  and  Public  Libraries.  At  present,  218660  Gram
                                                                ix.  Women Friendly (Engendered development in) Panchayat

                                    PDI Committee Report - 2023: Policy Efforts by MoPR to strengthen PRIs         14
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