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What  has  been  presented  here  is  only  a  glimpse  and   Presentation of PDI as a web-based application

         samples. In effect, it is seen that from Indicator to PDI,   The Committee had requested the NIC unit in Ministry of
         from  GP  to  State,  in  various  perspectives,  and  at  all   Panchayati  Raj  to  prepare  the  visualised  values  for
         relevant levels the whole gamut is available for informed   showing  the  PDI,  Theme,  LIF,  Grouped  Indicators,  at
         action  on  Indicators,  Themes  to  achieve  LSDGs  and   Gram Panchayat, Block, District, State level and also on
         higher development levels in the GP. Data collection and   use  of  grades  and  intervals  rather  than  scores  on  a
         availability,  the  methods  used,  and  the  values  obtained   continuum. Shri Sunil Jain, Member of Committee from

         show  that  this  is  capable  of  being  taken  for  large  scale   NIC,  took  it  up  with  his  Team  led  by  Ms.  Sunita  Jain,
         implementation  to  arrive  at  tha  composite  development   from NIC, Indore, and using the data from the 30 Gram
         score of a GP using the PDI, and all related calculations   Panchayats as per calculations provided to them, have put
         of Gram Panchayat level, Indicators, Grouped Indicators,   forth  the  values  for  interpretation,  as  requested  by  the
         Thematic  score,  PDI  and  calculations  at  Block,  District   Committee.  Some  of  these  have  been  placed  in  the

         and  State  level.  The  next  step  is  naturally,  logically   forthcoming  pages.  Their  approach  has  also  taken  into
         workable as from State to National level.              account the unfolding through a drill down mechanism, as
                                                                well as a select Gram Panchayat option. (The screen shots
         At  the  national,  state,  district  and  block  level,  the
                                                                and flow can be seen in Annexure IV PoC Annexure-H).
         concerned stakeholders should be able to see the number
                                                                This is work in progress and with Ministry of Panchayati
         of  states,  districts,  blocks  and  GPs  under  each  of  the
                                                                Raj and additional features of visualisation as mentioned
         grades.  This in  the  graph and  tables  can  then  be  drilled
                                                                and other refinements, what will come out, would be at a
         down to identify the geographical areas that need focus. A
                                                                much  higher  level  with  further  layers  and  analysis
         sample of how this can be has been started to be prepared
                                                                presented and a full PDI dashboard developed. GIS could
         by  NIC  at  the  request  of  the  Committee  is  given  with
                                                                not be built in at this point due to the scattered locations
         tables and graphs at Annexure IV PoC Annexure-H.
                                                                of  the  Gram  Panchayats.  When  more  Gram  Panchayats
         Data visualisation
                                                                data comes in covering a Block fully, at least, GIS use can
         This  is  an  area  that  needs  to  be  given  attention.  The
                                                                be tested out. It is certainly doable, given the full set of
         standards set by the UN in its documents, and such related
                                                                calculations  for  all  the  Gram  Panchayats  in  that  Block/
         documents of SDGs must be what Ministry of Panchayati
                                                                District/State as the data sets keep building.
         Raj  must  try  to  reach,  for  presenting  to  its  Gram
                                                                Departments, and use of PDI
         Panchayats. Not only because it is the UN, and these are
                                                                The constituent parts of Theme & LIF of the PDI, are far
         SDGs  as  LSDGs,  but  more  because  the  presentation  is
                                                                more  of  use  for  the  Departments,  as  they  can  see  the
         very simple and visually attractive and gets the attention.
                                                                Gram Panchayats for their greater support to be given to
         It is necessary to go beyond the bars, graphs, etc., to add
                                                                the  worst  scoring  Gram  Panchayats.  An  interesting
         to  it  the  icons,  infographics,  highlights.  The  Committee
                                                                analysis for the Department can be the connect between
         has tried to raise the bar. It can be raised still further, and
                                                                the score and its facility e.g.: The availability of PHC to
         the MoPR must get specialised technical support for this.
                                                                Healthy  Village  Thematic  score  in  these  30  Group


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