Page 305 - PDI Vol 2
P. 305

Thematic Score Analysis across Districts

                      Pick Theme, Bubble Shows Count of Gram Panchayats  (7) which fall in the same Score Range as District
                      Average. Clicking on the Bubble Shows table view of List of those Gram Panchayats and those 7 Scores
                      are high lighted in the Bar Charts below (Top 5 , Bottom 5 out of all 30 GPS with Score Range of 6-7)
                      Thus  one  can  figure  out  Gram  Panchayst  falling  below  the  District  Average  (  Not  Highlighted  3  –
                      Khanapur belongs to Pune whereas we clicked to see for ‘District Sangli bubble’ )

                                     PDI Committee Report - 2023: Annexure-IV
   300   301   302   303   304   305   306   307   308   309   310