Page 240 - PDI Vol 2
P. 240

3        Quality          a)  Quality of water supplied as per BIS 10500:2012
                                        b)  Disinfection of water prior to supply

                                        c)  Water sample testing using FTK

                                        d)  Sanitary Survey: No. of sources with minimum risk score as per state norms
              4        Financial Sustaina-  a)  Cost recovery in water supply services
                                        b)  Tariff  Recovery
              5        Grievance        a)  Redressal of customer complaints

              6        Institutional    a)  15  Finance Commission Tied funds used for water supply against the planned
                       management          amount
                                        b)  GP operating and maintaining drinking water supply facility with in village

              7        Water availability   a)  Whether there is a provision for drinking water for animals
                       for livestock    b)  Whether there are adequate cattle troughs in the village

              8        Quantity         a)  Provision for uninterrupted power supply (solar/other options)

                                        b)  Equitable water supply: 55 LPCD at highest and farthest households
              9        Non-             a)  Non-Revenue Water (NRW). Quantum of water not billed
                       revenue water

              10       Source           a)  Yield test discharge for PWS sources equal to current water demand

                                        b)  Yield test discharge for spot sources equal to current water demand

                                        c)  Preparation of drinking water budget through participatory process
                                        d)  Rainwater harvesting structures in public buildings

                                        e)  Rainwater harvesting structures in pucca houses
              11       Financial        a)  Structures for enhancement of water availability  in ground water sources
                                        b)  O&M budget preparation (estimated and actual)
                                        c)  Is differential tariff set based on type of usage and diameter of connection pipe?

                                        d)  Is telescopic tariff set? (GPs with 100%  metering)

                                        e)  Metering (only for GPs with PWS)
              12       Institutional    a)  Record maintenance
                                        b)  At least four GP functionaries trained for WASH  service management

                                        c)  GP staff trained in particular skills (water person, pump operators and other staff)
                                          Theme 4: Water Sufficient Village
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