Page 11 - PDI_Report
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Message from Chair

                                                                          Jayashree Raghunandan

                                                                          Chairperson, PDI Committee

         Regular  Governance  in  the  modern  world  is  combining  the  global  perspective  with  local  requirements.  Panchayat
         Development Index combines SDGs (in form of 9 basic themes) and local level indicators. SDGs are the blueprint for
         people and planet and success. LSDGs are the blueprint for achieving SDGs in rural India. Ministry of Panchayati Raj
         had unveiled the vision of the LSDGs for village development in April 2022, and the response of the Gram Panchayats

         has  been  phenomenal  as  it  struck  the  right  chords  for  holistic  development  for  all.  169  Global  Targets  for  17
         Sustainable Development Goals translate to 142 Local Targets for 9 Themes, and the Global Indicator Framework for
         measuring progress to achieve Global Targets, the National Indicator Framework for India is correlated as the Local
         Indicator  Framework  that  gives  the  parameters  for  assessment  of  performance  on  the  LSDGs,  Themes  and  local

         Targets for rural India.
         Amongst GPs, the better always do better and are also able to garner greater resources for their GP. They are always in

         the forefront in participation in seminars and workshops, identified for their initiatives and success stories. And there
         are  endowed  panchayats,  villages  close  to  the  town  or  city,  villages  that  are  rich  with  OSR,  rich  with  resources,
         infrastructure,  rich  with  services  being  provided...  And  there  are  other  villages,  and  backward  villages,  interior
         villages, disaster prone villages, villages where there are PHCs but no doctors or para-medics, schools where there are
         just 1-2 teachers, etc., these are all known. The rural-urban divide, on the one hand, is here as a rural-rural divide.

         Undoubtedly, they are receiving attention from different flagship schemes, especially where the goals are universal.
         Panchayat Development Index would give the developmental status composite score of the Panchayat vis a vis other

         Panchayats, while Thematic scores will give the Theme wise performance/status on each of the 9 Themes based on the
         values of the Indicators thereunder. This would provide measures for all GPs, enabling greater attention to needy GPs
         on their different areas of needs.

         Gram Panchayat Development Plans have been introduced in 2015 and over the years GPDPs have been prepared to
         differing  degrees  by  the  Panchayats.  Planning  as  a  process  in  itself  without  the  link  to  outputs  &  outcomes,  as  a
         Development Report, would be incomplete in its purpose. The evolution of the GPDP into being LIF based is the next
         step, that would make the GPDP have a strong basis of baselines, benchmarks, targets, inputs, and outcomes making it

         a  result  oriented  systematic  planning  process  that  would  motivate  the  GPs  to  achieving  their  highest  level  of

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