Page 271 - PDI Vol 2
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Monitoring of progress and Assessment and distributed equitably, without discrimination or bias, so
Incremental progress/measurement that all members of the community have the chance to
The GP may choose to monitor monthly the Pension received,
may choose to monitor the work of the VLCPC every month till Strong social safety nets: to provide support to
it has become a strong institution. Use of Social audits engaging vulnerable members of the community, such as elderly,
beneficiaries and community members in the evaluation of disabled, and low-income families.
outcomes. This can involve setting up of committees or other
Participatory decision-making: Socially just villages
participatory structures to allow beneficiaries and community
prioritize participatory decision-making, allowing all
members to provide feedback on program implementation,
members of the community to have a voice in important
identify areas for improvement, and monitor the use of program
decisions that affect their lives.
Non-discrimination and inclusivity: These villages
Outcomes of LIF prioritize non-discrimination and inclusivity, ensuring
The following are expected outcomes of theme 7 that all members of the community are respected and
valued, regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity,
Access to basic services: Socially just and socially
religion, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic.
secured village prioritizes on access to basic services
such as healthcare, education, clean water, and sanitation Improved safety: for women and children to be able
for all members of the community. to participate and benefit from the process of
Equitable distribution of resources: Gram Panchayat
should ensure that resources and opportunities are
Theme 7: Socially Just and Socially Secured Village