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IAS          Indian Administrative Service              MoSPI       Ministry of Statistics and Programme
         ICDS         Integrated Child Development Scheme
                                                                 MoU         Memorandum of Understanding
         ICT          Information and Communication
                      Technology                                 MoWCD       Ministry of Women and Child
         IEC          Information, Education and                             Development
                      Communication                              MSA         Multi-sectoral Approach
         IFEG         Interoperability Framework for             MVS         Multi Village Scheme
                                                                 NDMA        National Disaster Management Authority
         IHHL         Individual Household Latrine
                                                                 NDSAP       National Data Sharing and Accessibility
         INGO         International Non-Government                           Policy
                                                                 NFHS        National Family Health Survey
         IoP          Incentivisation of Panchayat
                                                                 NHM         National Health Mission
         ICPS         Integrated Child Protection Scheme
                                                                 NHPS        National Health Protection Scheme
         IT           Information Technology
                                                                 NIC         National Informatics Centre
         J&K          Jammu & Kashmir
                                                                 NIF         National Indicator Framework
         JJM          Jal Jivan Mission
                                                                 NIRD        National Institute of Rural Development
         KPI          Key Performance Indicator
                                                                 NITI Aayog  National Institution for Transforming India
         LAC          Livestock Aid Center                                   Aayog
         LGD          Local Government Directory                 NPA         National Panchayat Award
         LIF          Local Indicator Framework                  NRLM        National Rural Livelihood Mission

         LNOB         Leaving No One Behind                      NRW         Non-Revenue Water
         LNVB         Leaving No Village Behind                  NSAP        National Social Assistance Programme
         LPCD         Litre Per Capita Per Day                   NSS         National Service Scheme
         LSDG          Localisation of Sustainable Development   NYK         Nehru Yuva Kendra
                                                                 O&M         Operations & Maintenance
                                                                 ODF         Open Defecation Free
         LSG          Local Self Government
                                                                 ODS         Open Document Spreadsheet
         M&E          Monitoring & Evaluation
                                                                 OGD         Open Government Data
         MA           Mission Antyodaya
                                                                 OHT         Over Head Tank
         MDDS         Meta Data & Data Standard
         MEITY         Ministry of Electronics and Information   OOMF        Output-Outcome Monitoring Framework
                      Technology                                 OWOP        One World One Planet

         MGNREGA  Mahatma Gandhi National Rural                  PA          Poshan Abhiyan
         /S                                                      PCPNDT
                      Employment Guarantee Act/Scheme
                                                                 Act         Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic
         MIS          Management Information System
                                                                             Techniques Act
         ML           Machine Learning
                                                                 PDI         Panchayat Development Index
         MMR          Maternal Mortality Ratio/Rate

         MoE          Ministry of Education
                                                                 PDS         Public Distribution System
         MoH&FW       Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
                                                                 PFMS        Public Financial Management System
         MoJS         Ministry of Jal Shakti
                                                                 PHC         Primary Health Centre
         MoPR         Ministry of Panchayati Raj
                                                                 PHED        Public Health Engineering Department
         MoRD         Ministry of Rural Development
                                                                 PHH         Priority Household

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