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for  them  in  the  working  in  the  Gram  Panchayat  on   preparation  of  plans  (GPDP)  its  implementation,  and

         achieving  the  Thematic  goals  and  seeing  their  Gram   measuring  outputs  and  outcomes  on  a  regular  and
         Panchayat improve on the Development Index – PDI       continuous basis.

         The Proof of Concept is a union of the field experience   “Investing  in  data  capacities  and  data  partnerships  to
         with the theoretical & logical frame that brings together   leave  no  one  behind,  build  trust  and  fill  data  gaps  to
         use of statistical tools and analysis presented in relevance   achieve  the  SDGs  must  be  a  priority  for  national
         to the Gram Panchayats, and other levels of Government   governments and the international community if countries
         in enabling assessment of the development status of Gram   are  to  rely  upon  evidence-based  policy  responses  to

         Panchayats, provide them a good frame covering the three   emerge  stronger  from  the  crisis  and  face  the  unknown
         aspects  economic,  social  and  environment,  in  the   challenges ahead.” – UNSDG Report 2022
         localisation  of  SDGs,  identifying  areas  for  action,

                                               “to take that knowledge forward to
                                               provide better data for better lives”

                                                                                                        – UNSDG Report 2022

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