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पंचायत विकास सूचकांक पोर्टल
PDI Portal
पंचायत विकास सूचकांक पोर्टल
Panchayat Advancement Index (PAI) Portal
Facilitating creation of a digital platform & ecosystem for
focused implementation of interventions to achieve SDG 2030 agenda in rural India
PDI Indicators, Data points Configured by MoPR
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Indicators as finalized by MoPR
Optional Indicators to be selected by State
Optional Indicators to be selected by State
- Select All Themes -
Theme 1 - Poverty Free and Enhanced Livelihoods Panchayat
Theme 2 - Healthy Panchayat
Theme 3 - Child Friendly Panchayat
Theme 4 - Water Sufficient Panchayat
Theme 5 - Clean and Green Panchayat
Theme 6 - Self-sufficient Infrastructure in Panchayat
Theme 7 - Socially Just and Socially Secured Panchayat
Theme 8 - Panchayat with Good Governance
Theme 9 - Women Friendly Panchayat