Theme 1 - Poverty Free and Enhanced Livelihoods Panchayat | 10 | 1 | Special Initiative |
1 | Infrastructure-Library |
1 | Animal Husbandry |
2 | Disaster prone area |
5 | Agriculture-Occupation |
Theme 2 - Healthy Panchayat | 1 | 1 | Special Initiative |
Theme 3 - Child Friendly Panchayat | 3 | 1 | Infrastructure-Primary School in own building |
1 | Infrastructure-Primary School |
1 | Infrastructure-Anganwadi Center operate in own building |
Theme 4 - Water Sufficient Panchayat | 5 | 5 | Agriculture-Occupation |
Theme 5 - Clean and Green Panchayat | 9 | 1 | Sanitation-Solid Liquid Waste Management |
2 | Hilly Area |
2 | Agriculture-Occupation |
4 | Coastal Area |
Theme 6 - Self-sufficient Infrastructure in Panchayat | 101 | 1 | Infrastructure-Godown |
1 | Infrastructure-PHC/HSC does not exist |
1 | Infrastructure-Primary School |
1 | Infrastructure-Pump House |
1 | Infrastructure-child friendly park |
1 | Infrastructure-Anganwadi Center operate in own building |
1 | Infrastructure-Primary School in own building |
2 | Infrastructure-SHG Building |
3 | Infrastructure-Common Facility Center |
5 | Infrastructure-Library |
6 | Infrastructure-Community hall |
10 | Infrastructure-Livestock aid centre does not exist |
10 | Disaster prone area |
13 | Infrastructure-CSC in rented building |
19 | Infrastructure-PHC/HSC exist |
26 | Infrastructure-Livestock aid centre exist |
Theme 7 - Socially Just and Socially Secured Panchayat | 5 | 1 | Special Initiative |
1 | Disaster prone area |
3 | Transgender community |
Theme 9 - Women Friendly Panchayat | 1 | 1 | Special Initiative |