Ministry Data Points Against Indicator
Source PortalIndicator IdIndicatorPoint TypemodeData Point CodeData Point
Poshan Traker Portal47Percentage of children aged under 5 years who are underweight [47]NumeratorAPI17Total underweight Children under 5 Year
Poshan Traker Portal68Percentage of children (0-3 years) registered under ICDS out of total eligible children (0-3 years) [68]DenominatorAPI524Total number of eligible children (0-3 years) under ICDS
Poshan Traker Portal69Percentage of children (3-6 years) registered under ICDS out of total eligible children (3-6 years) [69]DenominatorAPI520Total number of eligible children (3-6 years) under ICDS
Poshan Traker Portal70Percentage of Pregnant Women and lactating mothers registered under ICDS out of total eligible Pregnant Women and lactating mothers [70]DenominatorAPI521Total number of eligible Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers
Poshan Traker Portal75Percentage of children under age 5 years who are wasted [75]NumeratorAPI19Total wasted children under 5 Year
Poshan Traker Portal76Percentage of children under age 5 years who are stunted [76]NumeratorAPI18Total stunted children under 5 year
Poshan Traker Portal81Percentage of children between ages 3-6 years receiving formal pre-school education or early childhood care in AWC [81]DenominatorAPI520Total number of eligible children (3-6 years) under ICDS
Poshan Traker Portal97Percentage of Anganwadis having their Own building [97]NumeratorAPI406Number of Anganwadis have their own building
Poshan Traker Portal541Percentage of Girl children aged under 5 years who are underweight [541]NumeratorAPI41Girls Children aged under 5 years who are underweight
Poshan Traker Portal542Percentage of girl children under age 5 years who are wasted [542]NumeratorAPI40Girl Children under 5 years who are wasted
Poshan Traker Portal547Percentage of girl children (0-3 years) registered under ICDS out of total eligible children (0-3 years) [547]DenominatorAPI524Total number of eligible children (0-3 years) under ICDS
Poshan Traker Portal547Percentage of girl children (0-3 years) registered under ICDS out of total eligible children (0-3 years) [547]NumeratorAPI330Total number of registered girl children (0-3 years) under ICDS
Poshan Traker Portal548Percentage of girl children (3-6 years) registered under ICDS out of total eligible children (3-6 years) [548]DenominatorAPI520Total number of eligible children (3-6 years) under ICDS
Poshan Traker Portal548Percentage of girl children (3-6 years) registered under ICDS out of total eligible children (3-6 years) [548]NumeratorAPI331Total number of registered girl children (3-6 years) under ICDS
Poshan Traker Portal560Percentage of girl children between ages 3-6 receiving some form of formal pre-school education or early childhood care in AWC [560]DenominatorAPI637Total Number of girl Children aged 3-6 years