Ministry Data Points Against Indicator
Source PortalIndicator IdIndicatorPoint TypemodeData Point CodeData Point
JJM Dashboard153Per capita supply of water (Litre Per Person Per Day (LPCD)) in the village [153]NumeratorAPI337Total Supply of Water during the reference year
JJM Dashboard154Whether Water supply unhindered to tail end Household [154]NumeratorAPI512Whether Water supply unhindered to tail end Household (HH)
JJM Dashboard155Percentage coverage of Water supply in Schools, Anganwadis and Public Institutions [155]NumeratorAPI257Number of schools, Anganwadis and public institutions with water supply
JJM Dashboard155Percentage coverage of Water supply in Schools, Anganwadis and Public Institutions [155]DenominatorAPI661Total number of schools, Anganwadis and public institutions
JJM Dashboard156Whether 100% testing of drinking water sources, using Field Testing Kit, including private sources and sanitary inspection is done by Panchayat [156]NumeratorAPI344Whether 100% testing of drinking water sources, using Field Testing Kit(FTK), including private sources and sanitary inspection is done by Panchayat
JJM Dashboard157Percentage of Water sample testing using Field Test Kit [157]DenominatorAPI666Total number of tests conducted
JJM Dashboard157Percentage of Water sample testing using Field Test Kit [157]NumeratorAPI277Number of Water Sample tested using Field Testing Kit (FTK)
JJM Dashboard158Whether the drinking water source is well maintained. No waste water enters into the source and well protected from any contamination [158]NumeratorAPI432Whether the drinking water source is well maintained. no waste water enters into the source and well protected from any contamination