Targets for Panchayat Development
ThemeS.No.Sub No.TargetIndicators
Theme 1 - Poverty Free and Enhanced Livelihoods Panchayat11To facilitate to improve the living standards of BPL households12
22Reduce poverty by providing wage employment under GNREGS22
33Facilitate building the institutions of Poor in SHGs33
44Increase the income of farmers in engaged in agriculture47
55Facilitate skill training to unemployed youth and unskilled /semi-skilled labour52
66To facilitate banking services to all people73
77Ensure access to basic services (Housing, Water and Sanitation)84
88Implement social protection schemes for all93
99To improve the activities of ICDS programme103
1010Reduce malnutrition among children, women122
1111To facilitate to reduce the impact of DRR to poor in vulnerable conditions133
1212Facilitate enrolment of eligible families under the DS143
1313To facilitate GP spending on essential services161
1414Constitution of VWSCs in each Gram Panchayats521
Theme 2 - Healthy Panchayat151Reduce malnutrition among children, women124
162Reduce the maternal mortality ratio174
173Ensure that all have access to sexual and reproductive health care services and family191
184End preventable deaths of new-borns and children under 5 ears of age203
195Promote prevention , early diagnosis and treatment of communicable diseases236
206Reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil241
217Take steps to reduce the use of tobacco /Alcohol among adults251
228Provide essential health care service to all in GP level261
Theme 3 - Child Friendly Panchayat231To improve the activities of ICDS programme105
242Reduce malnutrition among children, women124
253Reduce the maternal mortality ratio172
264To improve the maternal facilities to the women272
275End preventable deaths of new-borns and girl children under 5 years of age292
286Facilitate the nutritional needs of adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women and older persons331
297Ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre –primary education341
308Create environment for total enrolment and retention of children in school3511
319Ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical,vocational and tertiary education361
3210Eliminate gender disparity in all levels of education374
3311Ensure equal access to education for persons with disabilities3832
3412Ensure safety and protection of all children in the Village397
3513Prevent girl Child Marriage405
3614Ensure Child Participation415
3715Provide access to Sanitation in the villages423
3816To facilitate GP spending on Child Development431
3917Citizen charter implemented in the GP1141
Theme 4 - Water Sufficient Panchayat401To facilitate GP spending on essential services161
412Provide access to Sanitation in the villages425
423Providing access to clean Water to all households and public buildings in the villages by 2024448
434Per capita availability of water in villages451
445Achieve ODF Sustainability484
456Grey Water management492
467Construction of rain water harvesting and recharge works502
478Safeguarding of water bodies511
489Constitution of VWSCs in each Gram Panchayats524
4910Water efficient Agricultural practices533
Theme 5 - Clean and Green Panchayat501Provide access to Sanitation in the villages424
512Achieve ODF Sustainability483
523Water efficient Agricultural practices531
534EnsureSolid Waste Management574
545Ensure Liquid Waste management585
556Substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse593
567Use clean energy in the panchayat604
578Achieve the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle612
589Provide access for small-scale artisanal fishers to marine resources and markets622
5910Increase scientific knowledge, develop research capacity and transfer marine technology631
6011Ensure protection of water bodies, wet lands, forests from pollution, encroachment and indiscriminate usage645
6112Promote the implementation of sustainable management of all types of forest655
6213Combat desertification, restore degraded land and oil661
6314Mobilize significant resources from all sources and at all levels to finance671
Theme 6 - Self-sufficient Infrastructure in Panchayat641To facilitate GP spending on essential services161
652Establishing an ideal GP Bhawan, Angawadi, Health sub center , CSC68125
663Panchayat & habitations are connected with all-season road maintained well693
674Ensuring Pucca House for all (Roof to all)701
685Availability of piped tap water to all HH715
696Availability of Public & Street light722
707Availability of Burial grounds with basic facility734
718Easy access to Local Market743
729Play Ground facility and encouraging sports755
7310Disaster preparedness of the Village Shelter Centre/ Multi-Purpose7611
7411Child friendly park771
Theme 7 - Socially Just and Socially Secured Panchayat751To facilitate to improve the living standards of BPL households14
762Facilitate building the institutions of Poor in SHGs31
773Implement social protection schemes for all96
784To facilitate to reduce the impact of DRR to poor in vulnerable conditions131
795To improve the maternal facilities to the women271
806Facilitate enrolment of children and pregnant women under ICDS813
817Rehabilitation of all physically and mentally challenged persons827
828End hunger and Ensuring people(poor &vulnerable) are receiving sufficient food at subsidized price all the year833
839Reduce malnutrition among children, women and older persons843
8410Measures taken to support vulnerable858
8511Reduce poverty by providing wage employment under MGNREGS863
8612To provide equal access to basic services883
8713Promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all894
8814Supporting Transgender902
8915Reduction of the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training931
9016Provide Aadhar card for all941
9117Ensure equal opportunities for boys and girls to improve learning outcomes9511
9218Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates966
9319Eliminate all harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriage971
9420Adopt policies, especially fiscal, wage and social protection policies at GP981
9521o allocate funds for essential services991
Theme 8 - Panchayat with Good Governance961Ensure Child Participation411
972Coordination and convergence among various institutions/ Stake holders1002
983Preparation of GPDP through convergence of Departments1012
994Establishing Partnership and collaboration in Village1021
1005Involvement of youth /Children/SHG/Committees in implem ntation for SDGs1034
1016Promote RI- SHG Convergence for benefit to GP and SHG1042
1027Promoting better public service delivery by use of technology1057
1038Ensuring better asset management by use of technology1062
1049Better financial management using technology1075
10510Availing quick and easy access to information by citizens1082
10611Timely Preparation of GPDP1092
10712Implementation of activities under GPDP1102
10813Timely completion of work1111
10914Disaster mitigation Activities1122
11015Ensuring progress monitoring of different activities of Govt Departments1132
11116Citizen charter implemented in the GP1141
11217Promote accountability and ownership among all stakeholders for quality1157
11318Ensuring all assets and works are visible on portal1181
11419Ensuring proper work quality and Social Audit1193
11520Transparent selection of Beneficiaries under Schemes1208
11621Ensuring capacity building of functionaries for development1214
11722Promote inclusive development and governance12316
11823Enhancing Panchayat own resources1243
Theme 9 - Women Friendly Panchayat1191Facilitate building the institutions of Poor in SHGs33
1202Reduce the maternal mortality ratio172
1213End preventable deaths of new-borns and girl children under 5 years of age292
1224Ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre –primary education341
1235Eliminate gender disparity in all levels of education373
1246Prevent girl Child Marriage401
1257To reduce crimes against women and girls1254
1268To improve to reproductive and sexual health care to women1262
1279Ensure quality nutritious food to all girl children aged under five years1272
12810Reduce malnutrition among girl children, women1282
12911Implement social protection schemes for women1297
13012To improve the activities of ICDS programme for girl children1303
13113Ensure full and productive employment and decent work for women1333
13214Create environment for total enrolment and retention of girl children in school Ensure that all girls complete free, equitable and quality primary1344
13315Increase the income of women1382
13416Improve participation of women in political, economic activities and participation in community-based organisations1396
13517Equal Access to Economic and Natural resource and Financial Services1401
13618Ensuring safety of women in public and private spheres1411
13719To improve the institutional assistance to Senior Citizen women1431
13820Planning and budgeting for the girls and women1441