Optional Specific Indicators against Theme - 9
ThemeTheme CodeCategoryMandatory/OptionalIndicator TypeGroupDetails
Theme-9T90700NegativeOptionalMain IndicatorHealthIndicator - Percentage of pregnant and lactating mothers who are anemic [543]
Denominator -Total pregnant women and lactating mothers [536]
Numerator 1 -Number of pregnant women and lactating mothers who are anemic [245]
Theme-9T90800NegativeOptionalMain IndicatorHealthIndicator - Percentage of girl Children under 5 years who are anemic (<11.0g/dl) [544]
Denominator -Number of girl children under 5 years age [526]
Numerator 1 -Girl Children aged under 5 years who are anemic [39]
Theme-9T90900PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorHealthIndicator - Percentage of women headed households under Aayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana or any State Govt Health scheme /health insurance [545]
Denominator -Total estimated number of eligible women headed households [605]
Numerator 1 -Number of women-headed households under Aayushman Bharat or Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana or any State Govt Health scheme /health insurance [707]
Theme-9T91800NegativeOptionalMain IndicatorEducationIndicator - Ratio of girls/women in the age group 15-29 not in education employment or training to Boys/Men [554]
Denominator -Number of boys/Men in the age group 15-29 not in education, employment or training [577]
Numerator 1 -Number of Girls/women in the age group 15-29 not in education, employment or training [196]
Theme-9T91900NegativeOptionalMain IndicatorEducationIndicator - Percentage of Girls/women (aged 15-29 years) not in education, employment or training to total girls [555]
Denominator -Total Number of Girls and women in the age group 15-29 [638]
Numerator 1 -Number of Girls/women in the age group 15-29 not in education, employment or training [196]
Theme-9T92500PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorIncome generationIndicator - Percentage of SHGs accessed bank Loans [566]
Denominator -Total number of SHGs [555]
Numerator 1 -Number of SHGs accessed bank loans [263]
Theme-9T92800PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorIncome generationIndicator - Number of women having a account (including deposit and credit accounts) of scheduled banks as percentage of total population [16]
Denominator -Total GP Population [522]
Numerator 1 -Number of accounts of women in scheduled commercial banks [141]
Theme-9T93000PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorLeadership and EmpowermentIndicator - Percentage of Women in leadership position in Farmers Producer Organizations(FPO) etc. [571]
Denominator -Total number of Leadership position in GP level Organisation [646]
Numerator 1 -Number of Women in leadership position in GP level Organisation [287]
Theme-9T93100PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorLeadership and EmpowermentIndicator - Operational land holdings held by women [572]
Denominator -Total Operational Holdings [678]
Numerator 1 -Women Operational Holdings (Land) and jointly held by women [516]
Theme-9T94000PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorSocial ProtectionIndicator - Percentage of Women Covered under all Social Protection schemes to the total number of eligible women [581]
Denominator -Total number of Eligible women [633]
Numerator 1 -Number of Women Covered under all Social Protection Schemes [280]
Theme-9T94100PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorSocial ProtectionIndicator - Percentage of women senior citizens provided institutional assistance through Senior Citizen Homes/Day Care Centers funded by the Government/ managed by the Panchayat [582]
Denominator -Total number of Senior citizen women [650]
Numerator 1 -Number of women senior citizens provided institutional assistance through Senior Citizen Homes/Day Care Centers funded by the Government/ managed by the Panchayat [229]