Optional Specific Indicators against Theme - 8
ThemeTheme CodeCategoryMandatory/OptionalIndicator TypeGroupDetails
Theme-8T80600PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorTeamWorkIndicator - Percentage of Youth and Children participation in at least in one IEC [459]
Denominator -Total youth and children population [687]
Numerator 1 -Number of Youth and Children participation in at least in one IEC [298]
Theme-8T85300PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorTransformationIndicator - Number of persons trained at least once in the Govt programme and programmes conducted by others [514]
Denominator -Number of Capacity building programmes conducted [587]
Numerator 1 -number of persons trained at least once in the Govt programme and programmes conducted by others [241]
Theme-8T85600PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorTransformationIndicator - Average coverage of persons (age >18) in GP under various Capacity building programme [517]
Denominator -Number of Capacity building programmes conducted [587]
Numerator 1 -Number of persons attended Capacity building programme [236]