Theme-5 | T50600 | Positive | Optional | Main Indicator | Toilets | Indicator - Percentage of community Toilets having water facility & soap for hand washing. [186] Denominator -Total number of community toilets [551] Numerator 1 -Number of community Toilets having water facility & soap for hand washing [165] |
Theme-5 | T50800 | Positive | Optional | Main Indicator | Waste management | Indicator - Percentage of Institutions and businesses segregating the dry and wet garbage [188] Denominator -Total number of institutions and businesses [643] Numerator 1 -Number of institutions and businesses segregating the dry and wet waste [218] |
Theme-5 | T51500 | Positive | Optional | Main Indicator | Waste management | Indicator - Percentage of households connected to some form of sewage treatment system [195] Denominator -Total Households [517] Numerator 1 -Number of Households connected to sewage treatment system [204] |
Theme-5 | T52200 | Positive | Optional | Main Indicator | Clean Energy | Indicator - Percentage of pump set for which Renewable Energy is used [202] Denominator -Total Number of pump sets [659] Numerator 1 -Number of pump sets using renewable energy [253] |
Theme-5 | T52500 | Positive | Optional | Main Indicator | Sustainable Agriculture | Indicator - Percentage use of nitrogenous fertilizer to total fertilizer [205] Denominator -Consumption of total fertilizer during the reference year [566] Numerator 1 -Consumption of Nitrogenous fertilizer during the reference year [24] |
Theme-5 | T52600 | Positive | Optional | Main Indicator | Sustainable Fishing | Indicator - Whether there is adequate infrastructure facilities for fishing [206] Numerator 1 -Whether there is adequate infrastructure facilities for fishing [508] |
Theme-5 | T52700 | Positive | Optional | Main Indicator | Sustainable Fishing | Indicator - Percentage of Fishers in Fish Farmer Producers organization (FFPOs) [207] Denominator -Total number of fishers [553] Numerator 1 -Number of Fisher Man and Women in Fish Farmer Producer Organization [189] |
Theme-5 | T52800 | Positive | Optional | Main Indicator | Sustainable Fishing | Indicator - Percentage of Fishers having received any assistance from Govt for improvement in Fisheries [208] Denominator -Total number of fishers [553] Numerator 1 -Number of Fisher Men and Women received any assistance from Govt for improvement in Fisheries [190] |
Theme-5 | T52900 | Positive | Optional | Main Indicator | Environment / Ecosystem | Indicator - Proportion of tree cover to total geographical area [209] Denominator -Total area of GP [528] Numerator 1 -Area under Tree Cover [10] |
Theme-5 | T53300 | Positive | Optional | Main Indicator | Environment / Ecosystem | Indicator - Percentage of restoration of water bodies in the hilly areas [213] Denominator -Total number of Water Bodies & Tanks [669] Numerator 1 -Number of Water Bodies restored in the hilly areas [276] |
Theme-5 | T53400 | Positive | Optional | Main Indicator | Environment / Ecosystem | Indicator - Percentage of plant nurseries created in the panchayat to land area [214] Denominator -Total area of GP [528] Numerator 1 -Number of plant nurseries created in GP [243] |
Theme-5 | T53500 | Positive | Optional | Main Indicator | Environment / Ecosystem | Indicator - Percentage of Trees Planted per hectare under Social Forestry Program in the Village [215] Denominator -Total area of GP [528] Numerator 1 -Number of Trees Planted under Social Forestry Program in the Village [269] |
Theme-5 | T53600 | Positive | Optional | Main Indicator | Environment / Ecosystem | Indicator - Proportion of Area in high slope areas, barren lands and other common lands covered by trees. [216] Denominator -Total area under high slope areas, barren lands and other common lands [601] Numerator 1 -Area in high slope areas, barren lands and other common lands covered by trees. [7] |
Theme-5 | T53700 | Positive | Optional | Main Indicator | Environment / Ecosystem | Indicator - Percentage survival of Trees planted under social forestry program in the village [217] Denominator -Total number of Trees planted under Social Forestry Program in last 2 years [668] Numerator 1 -Number of Tree surviving & planted under Social Forestry Program in the Village in last 2 years [268] |
Theme-5 | T53900 | Positive | Optional | Main Indicator | Environment / Ecosystem ; Sustainable Agriculture | Indicator - Percentage of fallow area restored [219] Denominator -Area under Fallow land [563] Numerator 1 -Fallow land area restored in GP [36] |