Theme-4 | 99 | Positive | Mandatory | Sub Indicator | | Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having Child-Friendly Toilets [100] Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574] Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis having child friendly toilets [146] |
Theme-4 | T40100 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Drinking Water | Indicator - Percentage of Household with Water Tap connections [36] Denominator -Total Households [517] Numerator 1 -Number of Households with Water Tap connections [216] |
Theme-4 | T40200 | Negative | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Drinking Water | Indicator - Percentage of Households not covered by Pipe Water Supply [152] Denominator -Total Households [517] Numerator 1 -Total number of Households not covered by Pipe Water Supply(PWS) [322] |
Theme-4 | T40400 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Drinking Water | Indicator - Whether Water supply unhindered to tail end Household [154] Numerator 1 -Whether Water supply unhindered to tail end Household (HH) [512] |
Theme-4 | T40500 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Drinking Water | Indicator - Percentage coverage of Water supply in Schools, Anganwadis and Public Institutions [155] Denominator -Total number of schools, Anganwadis and public institutions [661] Numerator 1 -Number of schools, Anganwadis and public institutions with water supply [257] |
Theme-4 | T40600 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Drinking Water | Indicator - Whether 100% testing of drinking water sources, using Field Testing Kit, including private sources and sanitary inspection is done by Panchayat [156] Numerator 1 -Whether 100% testing of drinking water sources, using Field Testing Kit(FTK), including private sources and sanitary inspection is done by Panchayat [344] |
Theme-4 | T40700 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Drinking Water | Indicator - Percentage of Water sample testing using Field Test Kit [157] Denominator -Total number of tests conducted [666] Numerator 1 -Number of Water Sample tested using Field Testing Kit (FTK) [277] |
Theme-4 | T40800 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Drinking Water | Indicator - Whether the drinking water source is well maintained. No waste water enters into the source and well protected from any contamination [158] Numerator 1 -Whether the drinking water source is well maintained. no waste water enters into the source and well protected from any contamination [432] |
Theme-4 | T40900 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Drinking Water | Indicator - Whether the periodic cleaning of Over Head Tanks (OHTs), Ground Level Reservoirs (GLRs) and Hand Pump platforms in rural areas and providing drinking water with effective chlorination [159] Numerator 1 -Whether the periodic cleaning of Over Head Tanks (OHTs), Ground Level Reservoirs (GLRs) and Hand Pump platforms in rural areas and providing drinking water with effective chlorination. [471] |
Theme-4 | T41000 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Sanitation | Indicator - Percentage of Individual Household Latrine (IHHL) Toilets [181] Denominator -Total Number of Toilets in GP [556] Numerator 1 -Number of IHHL Toilets [191] |
Theme-4 | T41200 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Sanitation | Indicator - Percentage Availability of toilets separately for men and women at public buildings [162] Denominator -Number of public buildings [546] Numerator 1 -Number of public buildings having toilets separately for men and women [249] |
Theme-4 | T41300 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Sanitation | Indicator - Percentage Availability of toilets separately for men and women at Schools [163] Denominator -Number of Schools [589] Numerator 1 -Number of Schools having toilets separately for boys and girls [255] |
Theme-4 | T41400 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Sanitation | Indicator - Percentage Availability of toilets separately for men and women at markets [164] Denominator -Number of markets in GP [585] Numerator 1 -Number of markets having toilets separately for men and women [224] |
Theme-4 | T41500 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Sanitation | Indicator - Percentage of community and institutional toilets having a toilet designed for Divyang (Disabled) [165] Denominator -Total number of community and institutional buildings with toilets [550] Numerator 1 -Number of community and institutional buildings having toilets designed for Divyang [162] |
Theme-4 | T41600 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Sanitation | Indicator - Percentage of community and institutional Toilets having water facility & soap for hand washing. [166] Denominator -Total number of community and institutional buildings with toilets [550] Numerator 1 -Number of community and institutional Toilets having water facility & soap for hand washing [163] |
Theme-4 | T41700 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Sanitation | Indicator - Whether the public and institutional toilets are kept clean [167] Numerator 1 -Whether the public and institutional toilets are kept clean [498] |
Theme-4 | T41800 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Water Management /Waste management | Indicator - Percentage of HH having grey water discharge facility at HH level or connected to grey water drainage line [168] Denominator -Total Households [517] Numerator 1 -Number of HH having grey water discharge facility at HH level or connected to grey water drainage line [200] |
Theme-4 | T41900 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Water Management /Waste management | Indicator - Percentage of institutions, / buildings having grey water drainage line [169] Denominator -Total number of institutions, / buildings [644] Numerator 1 -Number of institutions, / buildings having grey water drainage line [219] |
Theme-4 | T42300 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Water Management | Indicator - Whether the Village water Sanitation Committee (VWSC) is functional in the GP [173] Numerator 1 -Whether the Village Water Sanitation Committee (VWSC) is functional in the GP [506] |
Theme-4 | T42600 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Water Management | Indicator - Whether Panchayat do water budgeting [176] Numerator 1 -Whether Panchayat do water budgeting [379] |
Theme-4 | T42700 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Agriculture | Indicator - Percentage of area under drip/micro irrigation to total irrigated land [177] Denominator -Total irrigated land [610] Numerator 1 -Area under Drip/Micro irrigation [8] |
Theme-4 | T42800 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Agriculture | Indicator - Percentage of farmers practicing Integrated farm management practices. [178] Denominator -Total number of Farmers [635] Numerator 1 -Number of farmers practicing integrated Farm management practices [183] |
Theme-4 | T42900 | Negative | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Agriculture | Indicator - Percentage of farmers having wells but don’t adopt micro irrigation [179] Denominator -Total number of Farmers having tube well [636] Numerator 1 -Number of Farmers having tube wells but don’t adopt micro irrigation [182] |
Theme-4 | T43000 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | GP Spending | Indicator - Total GP spending on drinking water, water management and sanitation as percentage of total plan expenditure [180] Denominator -Total GP expenditure (All Scheme) [523] Numerator 1 -GP expenditure on drinking water, water management and sanitation [43] |