Theme-2 | T21300 | Negative | Optional | Main Indicator | Child Health | Indicator - Percentage of Children age 6-59 months who are anaemic (<11.0g/dl) [395] Denominator -Total Number of children in age group 6-59 months [530] Numerator 1 -Children aged 6-59 months who are anemic [16] |
Theme-2 | T21600 | Negative | Optional | Main Indicator | Communicable Disease | Indicator - Malaria incidence per 1,000 population [53] Denominator -Total GP Population [522] Numerator 1 -Number of confirmed malaria cases during the reference period [166] |
Theme-2 | T21900 | Negative | Optional | Sub Indicator | Non-Communicable Disaese | Indicator - Prevalence of hypertension among men and women age 30 years and above (in percentage) [56] Denominator -Total Person aged 18 years and above) during the period [680] Numerator 1 -Person (men/women aged 30years above) having hypertension during the reference year [305] |
Theme-2 | T22000 | Negative | Optional | Sub Indicator | Non-Communicable Disaese | Indicator - Percentage of population in age group 30 years and above who reported sought treatment out of total population in that age group having diabetes [57] Denominator -Total population of age 30 Years & above who reported diabetes [682] Numerator 1 -Diabetic population in age group 30 years and above who reported sought treatment [27] |
Theme-2 | T22100 | Negative | Optional | Main Indicator | Non-Communicable Disaese | Indicator - Percentage of men and women reporting Asthma in the age group 15 years & above [58] Denominator -Total GP population of 15-49 years [608] Numerator 1 -Number of men and women reporting Asthma in the age group 15years & above [131] |
Theme-2 | T22200 | Negative | Optional | Sub Indicator | Non-Communicable Disaese | Indicator - Percentage of people using Tobacco / Alcohol [59] Denominator -Total GP Population [522] Numerator 1 -People using Tobacco /Alcohol [306] |