Indicators against Theme - 2 Mandatory for all Panchayat
ThemeTheme CodeCategoryMandatory/OptionalIndicator TypeGroupDetails
Theme-2T20100NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorMaternal HealthIndicator - Percentage of maternal death to live birth [550]
Denominator -Live births of child during reference year [540]
Numerator 1 -Maternal Deaths during the reference year [125]
Theme-2T20200PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorMaternal HealthIndicator - Percentage of births attended by skilled health personnel or institutional delivery (Period 1 year) [39]
Denominator -Women aged 15-49 years with a live birth during the same period [559]
Numerator 1 -Women aged 15-49 years with a live birth attended by a skilled health personnel or institutional delivery in delivery during reference year [513]
Theme-2T20300PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorMaternal HealthIndicator - Percentage of women aged 15-49 years with a live birth in last one year, who received antenatal care, four times or more in last 1 year [40]
Denominator -Women aged 15−49 years with a live birth in the same period [688]
Numerator 1 -Women aged 15−49 years with a live birth in last one year who received antenatal care four or more times [515]
Theme-2T20400PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorMaternal HealthIndicator - Percentage of Ante Natal Check up(ANC) registration in 1st trimester to total ANC registration [41]
Denominator -Total ANC registration [600]
Numerator 1 -Number of Ante Natal Checkup registration in 1st trimester [145]
Theme-2T20500PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorMaternal HealthIndicator - Percentage of Pregnant Women and lactating mothers registered under ICDS out of total eligible Pregnant Women and lactating mothers [70]
Denominator -Total number of eligible Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers [521]
Numerator 1 -Total number of registered Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers under ICDS [332]
Theme-2T20600PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorMaternal HealthIndicator - Percentage of currently married women (15-49 years) who use any modern family planning methods [43]
Denominator -Currently married women aged 15-49 years [538]
Numerator 1 -Currently married women aged 15-49 years who use modern contraceptive methods [25]
Theme-2T20700NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorChild HealthIndicator - Under-five mortality rate of child per 1,000 live births [66]
Denominator -Number of children in age under 5 years [518]
Numerator 1 -Number of deaths of children of age under 5 year (0-59 months) during the reference year [134]
Theme-2T20800NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorChild HealthIndicator - Neonatal mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) [45]
Denominator -Live births of child during reference year [540]
Numerator 1 -Infant deaths of age less than 29 days (neonatal deaths) during reference year [118]
Theme-2T20900PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild HealthIndicator - Percentage of children aged 12-23 months who received all basic vaccinations ( BCG, measles and three doses each of polio and DPT or Penta vaccine excluding polio vaccine given at birth) [46]
Denominator -Children aged 12-23 months in GP [537]
Numerator 1 -Children aged 12-23 months who received all basic vaccinations (BCG, measles and three doses each of polio (excluding polio vaccine given at birth) and DPT or Penta vaccine [15]
Theme-2T21000NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorChild HealthIndicator - Percentage of children aged under 5 years who are underweight [47]
Denominator -Number of children in age under 5 years [518]
Numerator 1 -Total underweight Children under 5 Year [17]
Theme-2T21100NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorChild HealthIndicator - Percentage of children under age 5 years who are wasted [75]
Denominator -Number of children in age under 5 years [518]
Numerator 1 -Total wasted children under 5 Year [19]
Theme-2T21200NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorChild HealthIndicator - Percentage of children under age 5 years who are stunted [76]
Denominator -Number of children in age under 5 years [518]
Numerator 1 -Total stunted children under 5 year [18]
Theme-2T21400NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorChild HealthIndicator - Percentage of Adolescent (15-18) Girls who are anaemic [79]
Denominator -Total number of Adolescent (15-19) girls [612]
Numerator 1 -Number of Adolescent (15-18) Girls who are anaemic [132]
Theme-2T21500NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorCommunicable DiseaseIndicator - Tuberculosis incidence per 1,000 population [52]
Denominator -Total GP Population [522]
Numerator 1 -TB patients in a population during reference period [128]
Theme-2T21700NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorCommunicable DiseaseIndicator - Dengue: Case Fatality Ratio [54]
Denominator -Number of dengue cases during reference year [580]
Numerator 1 -Number of deaths due to dengue during reference year [168]
Theme-2T21800NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorCommunicable DiseaseIndicator - Total number of cases of diarrhoea per 1,000 population [55]
Denominator -Total GP Population [522]
Numerator 1 -Total number of cases of diarrhea during the reference year [319]
Theme-2T22300PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorGP SpendingIndicator - Total GP spending on Health to the total expenditure [60]
Denominator -Total GP expenditure (All Scheme) [523]
Numerator 1 -GP expenditure on Health [44]