Theme-1 | T10700 | Positive | Optional | Main Indicator | Income Generation | Indicator - Percentage of SHGs accessed bank Loans [566] Denominator -Total number of SHGs [555] Numerator 1 -Number of SHGs accessed bank loans [263] |
Theme-1 | T10800 | Positive | Optional | Main Indicator | Income Generation | Indicator - Percentage of persons in agriculture and allied sectors linked to Farmer Producers’ Organisation [8] Denominator -number of persons in agriculture and allied sectors [586] Numerator 1 -number of persons in agriculture and allied sectors linked to Farmer Producers’ Organisation [240] |
Theme-1 | T11100 | Positive | Optional | Main Indicator | Income Generation | Indicator - Percentage increase in Agricultural Credit to Farmers [11] Denominator -Agricultural credit to farmers during the previous year [560] Numerator 1 -agricultural credit to farmers during the year [3] Numerator 2-Agricultural credit to farmers during the previous year [560] |
Theme-1 | T11300 | Negative | Optional | Main Indicator | Income Generation | Indicator - Percentage of unemployed persons (21 – 45 years men and women) in the GP level [13] Denominator -Total GP population of 21-45 years [609] Numerator 1 -Number of unemployed persons (21 – 45 years men and women) in the GP level [270] |
Theme-1 | T11400 | Positive | Optional | Main Indicator | Income Generation | Indicator - Per capita milk collection from GP at collection centers [14] Denominator -Total GP Population [522] Numerator 1 -Quantity of milk collection from GP at collection centers [309] |
Theme-1 | T11500 | Negative | Optional | Main Indicator | Income Generation | Indicator - Percentage of unemployed youth in the age group 15-29 who are neither in employment /training / Education [15] Denominator -Total number of Youth (15-29 years of age) [677] Numerator 1 -Number of youth (15-29 years of age) neither in employment /training / Education [297] |
Theme-1 | T11600 | Positive | Optional | Main Indicator | Income Generation | Indicator - Number of women having a account (including deposit and credit accounts) of scheduled banks as percentage of total population [16] Denominator -Total GP Population [522] Numerator 1 -Number of accounts of women in scheduled commercial banks [141] |
Theme-1 | T12700 | Negative | Optional | Main Indicator | Health | Indicator - Percentage of pregnant and lactating mothers who are anemic [543] Denominator -Total pregnant women and lactating mothers [536] Numerator 1 -Number of pregnant women and lactating mothers who are anemic [245] |
Theme-1 | T12800 | Negative | Optional | Main Indicator | Health | Indicator - Percentage of Children age 6-59 months who are anaemic (<11.0g/dl) [395] Denominator -Total Number of children in age group 6-59 months [530] Numerator 1 -Children aged 6-59 months who are anemic [16] |
Theme-1 | T13000 | Negative | Optional | Main Indicator | Social Protection | Indicator - Number of deaths, missing persons and directly affected persons attributed to disasters per 1000 person [413] Denominator -Total GP Population [522] Numerator 1 -Number of deaths, missing persons and directly affected persons attributed to disasters [169] |
Theme-1 | T13100 | Negative | Optional | Main Indicator | Social Protection | Indicator - Number of persons directly affected (loss of livelihood, financial stress, house & property damage) attributed to disasters [31] Numerator 1 -Number of persons directly affected (loss of livelihood, financial stress, house & property damage) attributed to disasters [239] |