Total Indicators
ThemeTheme CodeCategoryMandatory/OptionalIndicator TypeGroupDetails
Theme-1T10500PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorIncome GenerationIndicator - Percentage of Women in SHGs benefitted Under Priority Household (PHH) & Antyodaya Anna Yojana(AAY) category [564]
Denominator -Total number of Women under Priority Household (PHH) & Antyodaya Anna Yojana(AAY) category under NFSA [534]
Numerator 1 -Total Number of Women in SHGs benefitted Under Priority Household (PHH) & Antyodaya Anna Yojana(AAY) category [326]
Theme-1T10600PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorIncome GenerationIndicator - Percentage of women from AAY category in the SHGs [565]
Denominator -Total number of Women under Antyodaya Anna Yojana(AAY)NFSA category [533]
Numerator 1 -Total Number of Women from AAY category in the SHGs [325]
Theme-1T10800PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorIncome GenerationIndicator - Percentage of persons in agriculture and allied sectors linked to Farmer Producers’ Organisation [8]
Denominator -number of persons in agriculture and allied sectors [586]
Numerator 1 -number of persons in agriculture and allied sectors linked to Farmer Producers’ Organisation [240]
Theme-1T10900PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorIncome GenerationIndicator - Agriculture productivity of wheat/rice, major crops(in kg per hectare), [9]
Denominator -Area under wheat/rice/major crop cultivation (in Hectare) [564]
Numerator 1 -Production of wheat/rice/major crops (in Kg) [308]
Theme-1T11000PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorIncome GenerationIndicator - Percentage of Cultivable Area [10]
Denominator -Total area of GP [528]
Numerator 1 -Total Cultivable Area [316]
Theme-1T11200PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorIncome GenerationIndicator - Percentage Increase in Net Sown Area [12]
Denominator -Net Sown Area in previous Year [571]
Numerator 1 -Net Sown area in Current year [570]
Numerator 2-Net Sown Area in previous Year [571]
Theme-1T11300NegativeOptionalMain IndicatorIncome GenerationIndicator - Percentage of unemployed persons (21 – 45 years men and women) in the GP level [13]
Denominator -Total GP population of 21-45 years [609]
Numerator 1 -Number of unemployed persons (21 – 45 years men and women) in the GP level [270]
Theme-1T11500NegativeOptionalMain IndicatorIncome GenerationIndicator - Percentage of unemployed youth in the age group 15-29 who are neither in employment /training / Education [15]
Denominator -Total number of Youth (15-29 years of age) [677]
Numerator 1 -Number of youth (15-29 years of age) neither in employment /training / Education [297]
Theme-1T11600PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorIncome GenerationIndicator - Number of women having a account (including deposit and credit accounts) of scheduled banks as percentage of total population [16]
Denominator -Total GP Population [522]
Numerator 1 -Number of accounts of women in scheduled commercial banks [141]
Theme-1T11800NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorHousingIndicator - Percentage of homeless person in GP [429]
Denominator -Total GP Population [522]
Numerator 1 -Total number of homeless person [320]
Theme-1T12000PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorHealthIndicator - Percentage of Households covered by a Health Scheme /Health Insurance under Aayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana or any State Govt Health Scheme/Health Insurance [20]
Denominator -Total Households [517]
Numerator 1 -Number of households covered by a health scheme or health insurance under Aayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana or any State Govt Health Scheme/Health Insurance [205]
Theme-1T12500NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorHealthIndicator - Percentage of children aged under 5 years who are underweight [47]
Denominator -Number of children in age under 5 years [518]
Numerator 1 -Total underweight Children under 5 Year [17]
Theme-1T13000NegativeOptionalMain IndicatorSocial ProtectionIndicator - Number of deaths, missing persons and directly affected persons attributed to disasters per 1000 person [413]
Denominator -Total GP Population [522]
Numerator 1 -Number of deaths, missing persons and directly affected persons attributed to disasters [169]
Theme-1T13100NegativeOptionalMain IndicatorSocial ProtectionIndicator - Number of persons directly affected (loss of livelihood, financial stress, house & property damage) attributed to disasters [31]
Numerator 1 -Number of persons directly affected (loss of livelihood, financial stress, house & property damage) attributed to disasters [239]
Theme-2T20200PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorMaternal HealthIndicator - Percentage of births attended by skilled health personnel or institutional delivery (Period 1 year) [39]
Denominator -Women aged 15-49 years with a live birth during the same period [559]
Numerator 1 -Women aged 15-49 years with a live birth attended by a skilled health personnel or institutional delivery in delivery during reference year [513]
Theme-2T20300PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorMaternal HealthIndicator - Percentage of women aged 15-49 years with a live birth in last one year, who received antenatal care, four times or more in last 1 year [40]
Denominator -Women aged 15−49 years with a live birth in the same period [688]
Numerator 1 -Women aged 15−49 years with a live birth in last one year who received antenatal care four or more times [515]
Theme-2T20400PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorMaternal HealthIndicator - Percentage of Ante Natal Check up(ANC) registration in 1st trimester to total ANC registration [41]
Denominator -Total ANC registration [600]
Numerator 1 -Number of Ante Natal Checkup registration in 1st trimester [145]
Theme-2T20600PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorMaternal HealthIndicator - Percentage of currently married women (15-49 years) who use any modern family planning methods [43]
Denominator -Currently married women aged 15-49 years [538]
Numerator 1 -Currently married women aged 15-49 years who use modern contraceptive methods [25]
Theme-2T20800NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorChild HealthIndicator - Neonatal mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) [45]
Denominator -Live births of child during reference year [540]
Numerator 1 -Infant deaths of age less than 29 days (neonatal deaths) during reference year [118]
Theme-2T21000NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorChild HealthIndicator - Percentage of children aged under 5 years who are underweight [47]
Denominator -Number of children in age under 5 years [518]
Numerator 1 -Total underweight Children under 5 Year [17]
Theme-2T21600NegativeOptionalMain IndicatorCommunicable DiseaseIndicator - Malaria incidence per 1,000 population [53]
Denominator -Total GP Population [522]
Numerator 1 -Number of confirmed malaria cases during the reference period [166]
Theme-2T21700NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorCommunicable DiseaseIndicator - Dengue: Case Fatality Ratio [54]
Denominator -Number of dengue cases during reference year [580]
Numerator 1 -Number of deaths due to dengue during reference year [168]
Theme-2T21800NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorCommunicable DiseaseIndicator - Total number of cases of diarrhoea per 1,000 population [55]
Denominator -Total GP Population [522]
Numerator 1 -Total number of cases of diarrhea during the reference year [319]
Theme-2T21900NegativeOptionalSub IndicatorNon-Communicable DisaeseIndicator - Prevalence of hypertension among men and women age 30 years and above (in percentage) [56]
Denominator -Total Person aged 18 years and above) during the period [680]
Numerator 1 -Person (men/women aged 30years above) having hypertension during the reference year [305]
Theme-2T22000NegativeOptionalSub IndicatorNon-Communicable DisaeseIndicator - Percentage of population in age group 30 years and above who reported sought treatment out of total population in that age group having diabetes [57]
Denominator -Total population of age 30 Years & above who reported diabetes [682]
Numerator 1 -Diabetic population in age group 30 years and above who reported sought treatment [27]
Theme-2T22100NegativeOptionalMain IndicatorNon-Communicable DisaeseIndicator - Percentage of men and women reporting Asthma in the age group 15 years & above [58]
Denominator -Total GP population of 15-49 years [608]
Numerator 1 -Number of men and women reporting Asthma in the age group 15years & above [131]
Theme-2T22200NegativeOptionalSub IndicatorNon-Communicable DisaeseIndicator - Percentage of people using Tobacco / Alcohol [59]
Denominator -Total GP Population [522]
Numerator 1 -People using Tobacco /Alcohol [306]
Theme-3T30100PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild survivalIndicator - Percentage of Children whose birth has been registered [62]
Denominator -Total number of children born during the reference year [623]
Numerator 1 -number of Children whose birth has been registered [159]
Theme-3T31300NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorChild survivalIndicator - Percentage of children aged under 5 years who are underweight [47]
Denominator -Number of children in age under 5 years [518]
Numerator 1 -Total underweight Children under 5 Year [17]
Theme-3T31900PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild Development - 1 Indicator - Percentage of children between ages 3-6 years receiving formal pre-school education or early childhood care in AWC [81]
Denominator -Total number of eligible children (3-6 years) under ICDS [520]
Numerator 1 -Number of Children Aged 3-6 years receiving Pre School education or early childhood care in AWC [157]
Theme-3T32001PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 1 Indicator - Transition Rate (Primary) [82]
Denominator -Class 5th enrolment previous year [720]
Numerator 1 -Fresh enrolment in class 6th of Children in the present year [339]
Theme-3T32002PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 1 Indicator - Transition Rate (Upper Primary) [83]
Denominator -Class 8th enrolment previous year [721]
Numerator 1 -Fresh enrolment in class 9th of Children in the present year [341]
Theme-3T32003PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 1 Indicator - Transition Rate (Secondary ) [84]
Denominator -Class 10th enrolment previous year [703]
Numerator 1 -Fresh enrolment in class 11th of Children in the present yea [340]
Theme-3T32103NegativeMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 1 Indicator - Drop-out Rate ( Secondary) [88]
Numerator 1 -Drop-out rate (Secondary) [32]
Theme-3T32200NegativeOptionalMain IndicatorChild Development - 1 Indicator - Percentage of children (14-18 years) who are neither in school / training [89]
Denominator -Total Number of children of age 14-18 years [599]
Numerator 1 -number of children who are 14-18 years, are neither in school / training [158]
Theme-3T32503PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 1 Indicator - Ratio of female-male enrolled in Secondary [94]
Denominator -Number of Male enrolled in Secondary [544]
Numerator 1 -Number of Female enrolled in Secondary [187]
Theme-3T32504PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 1 Indicator - Ratio of female-male enrolled in Higher Secondary [95]
Denominator -Number of Male enrolled in Higher Secondary [527]
Numerator 1 -Number of Female enrolled in Higher Secondary [185]
Theme-3T32700PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 1 Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having their Own building [97]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis have their own building [406]
Theme-3T32900PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having Colourful Wall Painting [234]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis have Colourful Wall Painting [394]
Theme-3T33200PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having First Aid Box & Medicine Kit [237]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis have a First Aid Box and medicine Kit [1]
Theme-3T33300PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having Weighing Machine [238]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis have a Weighing Machine [2]
Theme-3T33400PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having Community Growth Chart and Mother and Child Protection Card [239]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis has a Community Growth Chart and MCP Card [396]
Theme-3T33500PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having a Smartphone for Anganwadi Workers [240]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadi have Smartphones for Anganwadi Workers(AWWs) [412]
Theme-3T33600PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having Ramps for Physically challenged children/persons [241]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis have RAMPS for Physically challenged children/persons [408]
Theme-3T33701PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having cooked food/supply of SNP or having gas connection for cooking meal etc [242]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadi have regular supply of SNP & Gas Connection [410]
Theme-3T33702PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having Electricity [108]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis have Electricity [399]
Theme-3T33703PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having Nutrition Garden [244]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis have a Nutrition Garden [402]
Theme-3T33801PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Primary Schools have their own building in GP [302]
Denominator -Number of Primary schools in GP [383]
Numerator 1 -Number of Primary School has own building [485]
Theme-3T33802PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - percentage of primary schools have Boundary walls/fencing & gate [111]
Denominator -Number of Primary schools in GP [383]
Numerator 1 -Number of Primary school has Boundary wall/fencing & gate [473]
Theme-3T33803PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of primary schools have Adequate Manpower [305]
Denominator -Number of Primary schools in GP [383]
Numerator 1 -Number of Primary school has Adequate Manpower [472]
Theme-3T33805PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Primary School has Library [308]
Denominator -Number of Primary schools in GP [383]
Numerator 1 -Number of Primary School has Library [480]
Theme-3T33807PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of primary schools have adequate Furniture [310]
Denominator -Number of Primary schools in GP [383]
Numerator 1 -Number of primary school has adequate Furniture [478]
Theme-3T33810PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Primary school has RAMPS for Physically challenged persons [313]
Denominator -Number of Primary schools in GP [383]
Numerator 1 -Number of Primary School has Ramps for Physically Challenged Persons [482]
Theme-3T33812PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Primary school has Kitchen garden [121]
Denominator -Number of Primary schools in GP [383]
Numerator 1 -Number of Primary School has Kitchen Garden [491]
Theme-3T33813PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having computers for Children [316]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis have Computer/mobile phone for Children [398]
Theme-3T34200PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ProtectionIndicator - Child Sex Ratio (0-6 years) [431]
Denominator -Number of Boys in the age group 0-6 years [576]
Numerator 1 -Number of Girls in the age group 0-6 years [195]
Theme-3T34300PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ProtectionIndicator - Whether the GP has a functional Village Level Child Protection Committee (VLCPC) [128]
Numerator 1 -Whether the GP has a functional Village Level Child Protection Committee (VLCPC) [435]
Theme-3T34400NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ProtectionIndicator - Percentage of Crime Committed against Children during the year [129]
Denominator -Total Population of children (under 18 years) in GP [683]
Numerator 1 -Number of Crime reported against Children during the year [167]
Theme-3T34700NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ProtectionIndicator - Number of POCSO cases reported [132]
Numerator 1 -Number of POCSO cases reported [244]
Theme-3T34800NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ProtectionIndicator - Percentage of offences reported under POCSO [133]
Denominator -Total Population of children (under 18 years) in GP [683]
Numerator 1 -Number of offences reported during the reference year [230]
Theme-3T34900NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ProtectionIndicator - Number of sexual crime against girl children to total crime against children [134]
Denominator -Number of Crime reported against Children during the year [167]
Numerator 1 -Number of Sexual Crime reported against Girl Children [259]
Theme-3T35000NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ProtectionIndicator - Number of Child Marriage reported [443]
Numerator 1 -Number of Child Marriage reported [154]
Theme-3T35100PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ProtectionIndicator - Whether the GP has taken any action to prevent child marriage [136]
Numerator 1 -Whether the GP has taken any action to prevent child marriage [448]
Theme-3T35200PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ProtectionIndicator - Whether the GP has taken any initiative on preventing crimes against children? [137]
Numerator 1 -Whether the GP has taken any initiative on preventing crimes against children? [449]
Theme-3T35300PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ProtectionIndicator - Whether the GP has made list of Vulnerable children (Ultra Poor, differently abled, SC/ST, Migrants, etc) [138]
Numerator 1 -Whether the GP has made list of Vulnerable children (Ultra Poor, differently abled, SC/ST, Migrants, etc.,) [443]
Theme-3T35400PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ProtectionIndicator - Whether Disaster Management Plan addresses the needs of children [139]
Numerator 1 -Whether Disaster Management Plan addresses the needs of children [349]
Theme-3T35500PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ParticipationIndicator - Whether Resolution of the Bal Sabha is discussed in Gram Sabha and incorporated in GPDP [142]
Numerator 1 -Whether Resolution of the Bal Sabha is discussed in Gram Sabha and incorporated in GPDP [385]
Theme-3T35600PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ParticipationIndicator - Whether the GP involves children/Adolescents in preparation and implementation of Gram Panchayat Development Plan [143]
Numerator 1 -Whether the GP involves children/Adolescents in preparation and implementation of GPDP [451]
Theme-3T35700PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ParticipationIndicator - Whether the Village Level Child Protection Committee (VLCPC) has at least 2 children (adolescent) as member [144]
Numerator 1 -Whether the Village Level Child Protection Committee has at least 2 children (adolescent) as member [505]
Theme-3T35800PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ParticipationIndicator - Whether the issues related to children are discussed in the Gram Sabha [145]
Numerator 1 -Whether the issues related to children are discussed in the Gram Sabha [457]
Theme-3T35900PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ParticipationIndicator - Percentage of child centric issues on which action has been taken (Action taken -against issues discussed) [146]
Denominator -Number of child centric issues discussed in Gram Sabha [581]
Numerator 1 -Number of child centric issues on which action has been taken by GP [153]
Theme-3T36000PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ParticipationIndicator - Number of public schools, markets, public institutions and public places where functional and easily accessible toliets for children are available [147]
Denominator -Total number of public schools, markets, public institutions and public places [658]
Numerator 1 -Number of public schools, markets, public institutions and public places where functional and easily accessible toilets for children are available [252]
Theme-3T36200PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ParticipationIndicator - Percentage of schools, Anganwadi, and community toilets having water facility & soap for hand washing [149]
Denominator -Total number of schools, Anganwadi, and community toilets [660]
Numerator 1 -Number of schools, Anganwadi, and community toilets having water facility & soap for hand washing [256]
Theme-4T40200NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorDrinking WaterIndicator - Percentage of Households not covered by Pipe Water Supply [152]
Denominator -Total Households [517]
Numerator 1 -Total number of Households not covered by Pipe Water Supply(PWS) [322]
Theme-4T40900PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorDrinking WaterIndicator - Whether the periodic cleaning of Over Head Tanks (OHTs), Ground Level Reservoirs (GLRs) and Hand Pump platforms in rural areas and providing drinking water with effective chlorination [159]
Numerator 1 -Whether the periodic cleaning of Over Head Tanks (OHTs), Ground Level Reservoirs (GLRs) and Hand Pump platforms in rural areas and providing drinking water with effective chlorination. [471]
Theme-4T41200PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorSanitationIndicator - Percentage Availability of toilets separately for men and women at public buildings [162]
Denominator -Number of public buildings [546]
Numerator 1 -Number of public buildings having toilets separately for men and women [249]
Theme-4T41400PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorSanitationIndicator - Percentage Availability of toilets separately for men and women at markets [164]
Denominator -Number of markets in GP [585]
Numerator 1 -Number of markets having toilets separately for men and women [224]
Theme-4T41600PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorSanitationIndicator - Percentage of community and institutional Toilets having water facility & soap for hand washing. [166]
Denominator -Total number of community and institutional buildings with toilets [550]
Numerator 1 -Number of community and institutional Toilets having water facility & soap for hand washing [163]
Theme-4T41700PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorSanitationIndicator - Whether the public and institutional toilets are kept clean [167]
Numerator 1 -Whether the public and institutional toilets are kept clean [498]
Theme-4T42200PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorWater Management / Water SourcesIndicator - Percentage of village water bodies/ Tanks de-slugged / deepened or Special repair carried out [172]
Denominator -Total number of Water Bodies & Tanks [669]
Numerator 1 -Number of Water bodies & Tanks de-slugged / deepened or Special repair carried out [275]
Theme-4T42400PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorWater ManagementIndicator - Agriculture holdings covered in Water User Association (WUS) to the total Agricultural holdings [174]
Denominator -Total Agricultural holdings in GP [562]
Numerator 1 -Agriculture holdings covered in Water User Association (WUA) [4]
Theme-4T42500PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorWater ManagementIndicator - Whether Water User Association (WUA) is Functional [175]
Numerator 1 -Whether Water User Association(WUA) is Functional [351]
Theme-4T42600PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorWater ManagementIndicator - Whether Panchayat do water budgeting [176]
Numerator 1 -Whether Panchayat do water budgeting [379]
Theme-4T42800PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorAgricultureIndicator - Percentage of farmers practicing Integrated farm management practices. [178]
Denominator -Total number of Farmers [635]
Numerator 1 -Number of farmers practicing integrated Farm management practices [183]
Theme-4T42900NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorAgricultureIndicator - Percentage of farmers having wells but don’t adopt micro irrigation [179]
Denominator -Total number of Farmers having tube well [636]
Numerator 1 -Number of Farmers having tube wells but don’t adopt micro irrigation [182]
Theme-5T50200PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorToiletsIndicator - Percentage of households having access to safe toilets [182]
Denominator -Total Households [517]
Numerator 1 -Number of Households having access to Safe Toilets [209]
Theme-5T50300PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorToiletsIndicator - Percentage of population that does not have space for construction of toilets covered by community toilets [183]
Denominator -Total number of Persons not having space for construction of Toilets [653]
Numerator 1 -Number of Persons covered by Community toilets [237]
Theme-5T50400PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorToiletsIndicator - Percentage availability of toilets separately for men and women at public buildings and markets [184]
Denominator -Total Number of public buildings and markets [709]
Numerator 1 -Number of public buildings and markets having at least one separate toilet for men and Women [248]
Theme-5T50600PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorToiletsIndicator - Percentage of community Toilets having water facility & soap for hand washing. [186]
Denominator -Total number of community toilets [551]
Numerator 1 -Number of community Toilets having water facility & soap for hand washing [165]
Theme-5T50800PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorWaste managementIndicator - Percentage of Institutions and businesses segregating the dry and wet garbage [188]
Denominator -Total number of institutions and businesses [643]
Numerator 1 -Number of institutions and businesses segregating the dry and wet waste [218]
Theme-5T51100PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorWaste managementIndicator - Whether the Safety measures followed for the sanitation workers in GP [191]
Numerator 1 -Whether the Safety measures followed for the sanitation workers in GP [499]
Theme-5T51200PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorWaste managementIndicator - Percentage of public places having no litter around them. [192]
Denominator -Total Households [517]
Numerator 1 -Number of Public Places having no litter around them [250]
Theme-5T51300PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorWaste managementIndicator - Percentage of households having no litter around them [193]
Denominator -Total Households [517]
Numerator 1 -Number of Households having no litter around them [210]
Theme-5T51400PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorWaste managementIndicator - Percentage of houses having no stagnant waste water around them [194]
Denominator -Total Households [517]
Numerator 1 -Number of Households having no stagnant waste water around them [211]
Theme-5T51500PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorWaste managementIndicator - Percentage of households connected to some form of sewage treatment system [195]
Denominator -Total Households [517]
Numerator 1 -Number of Households connected to sewage treatment system [204]
Theme-5T51800PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorWaste managementIndicator - Percentage of HH using waste water as grey water [198]
Denominator -Total Households [517]
Numerator 1 -Number of Households using waste water as grey [215]
Theme-5T52300PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorClean EnergyIndicator - Percentage of lighting systems using LED lights including street lights [203]
Denominator -Total number of lighting systems including street lights [647]
Numerator 1 -Number of lighting systems including street lights using LED [222]
Theme-5T52400PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorSustainable AgricultureIndicator - Percentage of net area under organic Farming [204]
Denominator -Net Sown area in Current year [570]
Numerator 1 -Area under Organic Farming [9]
Theme-5T52500PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorSustainable AgricultureIndicator - Percentage use of nitrogenous fertilizer to total fertilizer [205]
Denominator -Consumption of total fertilizer during the reference year [566]
Numerator 1 -Consumption of Nitrogenous fertilizer during the reference year [24]
Theme-5T52700PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorSustainable FishingIndicator - Percentage of Fishers in Fish Farmer Producers organization (FFPOs) [207]
Denominator -Total number of fishers [553]
Numerator 1 -Number of Fisher Man and Women in Fish Farmer Producer Organization [189]
Theme-5T52800PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorSustainable FishingIndicator - Percentage of Fishers having received any assistance from Govt for improvement in Fisheries [208]
Denominator -Total number of fishers [553]
Numerator 1 -Number of Fisher Men and Women received any assistance from Govt for improvement in Fisheries [190]
Theme-5T52900PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorEnvironment / EcosystemIndicator - Proportion of tree cover to total geographical area [209]
Denominator -Total area of GP [528]
Numerator 1 -Area under Tree Cover [10]
Theme-5T53000PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorEnvironment / EcosystemIndicator - Is there a committee functioning in the GP for environmental conservation? [210]
Numerator 1 -Is there a committee functioning in the GP for environmental conservation? [121]
Theme-5T53200PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorEnvironment / EcosystemIndicator - Are Steps Taken By The Gram Panchayat To Prevent Soil Erosion? [212]
Numerator 1 -Are steps taken by the GP to prevent soil erosion? [5]
Theme-5T53300PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorEnvironment / EcosystemIndicator - Percentage of restoration of water bodies in the hilly areas [213]
Denominator -Total number of Water Bodies & Tanks [669]
Numerator 1 -Number of Water Bodies restored in the hilly areas [276]
Theme-5T53400PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorEnvironment / EcosystemIndicator - Percentage of plant nurseries created in the panchayat to land area [214]
Denominator -Total area of GP [528]
Numerator 1 -Number of plant nurseries created in GP [243]
Theme-5T53500PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorEnvironment / EcosystemIndicator - Percentage of Trees Planted per hectare under Social Forestry Program in the Village [215]
Denominator -Total area of GP [528]
Numerator 1 -Number of Trees Planted under Social Forestry Program in the Village [269]
Theme-5T53600PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorEnvironment / EcosystemIndicator - Proportion of Area in high slope areas, barren lands and other common lands covered by trees. [216]
Denominator -Total area under high slope areas, barren lands and other common lands [601]
Numerator 1 -Area in high slope areas, barren lands and other common lands covered by trees. [7]
Theme-5T53700PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorEnvironment / EcosystemIndicator - Percentage survival of Trees planted under social forestry program in the village [217]
Denominator -Total number of Trees planted under Social Forestry Program in last 2 years [668]
Numerator 1 -Number of Tree surviving & planted under Social Forestry Program in the Village in last 2 years [268]
Theme-5T53800PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorEnvironment / EcosystemIndicator - Whether the nurseries created in the school in the GP [218]
Numerator 1 -Whether the nurseries created in the school in the GP [468]
Theme-6T60104PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorInstitutional Indicator - Whether GP building has Furniture [225]
Numerator 1 -Whether GP building has Furniture [358]
Theme-6T60106PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorInstitutional Indicator - Whether GP building has Meeting Hall [227]
Numerator 1 -Whether GP building has Meeting Hall [359]
Theme-6T60107PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorInstitutional Indicator - Whether GP building has Waiting Hall [228]
Numerator 1 -Whether GP building has Waiting Hall [355]
Theme-6T60109PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorInstitutional Indicator - Whether GP building has Over head Tank [230]
Numerator 1 -Whether GP building has Over head Tank [360]
Theme-6T60110PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorInstitutional Indicator - Whether GP building has Ramps for Physically challenged children/persons [231]
Numerator 1 -Whether GP building has Ramps for Physically challenged children/persons [354]
Theme-6T60203PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having Colourful Wall Painting [234]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis have Colourful Wall Painting [394]
Theme-6T60206PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having First Aid Box & Medicine Kit [237]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis have a First Aid Box and medicine Kit [1]
Theme-6T60207PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having Weighing Machine [238]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis have a Weighing Machine [2]
Theme-6T60208PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having Community Growth Chart and Mother and Child Protection Card [239]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis has a Community Growth Chart and MCP Card [396]
Theme-6T60209PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having a Smartphone for Anganwadi Workers [240]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadi have Smartphones for Anganwadi Workers(AWWs) [412]
Theme-6T60210PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having Ramps for Physically challenged children/persons [241]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis have RAMPS for Physically challenged children/persons [408]
Theme-6T60211PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having cooked food/supply of SNP or having gas connection for cooking meal etc [242]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadi have regular supply of SNP & Gas Connection [410]
Theme-6T60212PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having Electricity [108]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis have Electricity [399]
Theme-6T60213PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having Nutrition Garden [244]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis have a Nutrition Garden [402]
Theme-6T60302PositiveMandatorySub Indicator Infrastructure HealthIndicator - If Public Health Center(PHC)/Health Sub Center(HSC) is there, then: Whether the PHC/HSC has Own building [246]
Numerator 1 -If PHC/HSC is there, then: Whether the PHC/HSC has own building [113]
Theme-6T60401PositiveMandatorySub Indicator Infrastructure HealthIndicator - If Public Health Center (PHC)/Health Sub Center(HSC) is there, then Whether the PHC/ HSC has boundary wall and gate [247]
Numerator 1 -If PHC/HSC is there, then Whether the PHC/ HSC has boundary wall and gate [96]
Theme-6T60402PositiveMandatorySub Indicator Infrastructure HealthIndicator - If Public Health Center (PHC)/Health Sub Center(HSC) is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has Electricity [248]
Numerator 1 -If PHC/HSC is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has Electricity [105]
Theme-6T60403PositiveMandatorySub Indicator Infrastructure HealthIndicator - If Public Health Center(PHC)/Health Sub Center(HSC) is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has dedicated Telephone/Mobile Phone [249]
Numerator 1 -If PHC/HSC is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has Telephone [111]
Theme-6T60404PositiveMandatorySub Indicator Infrastructure HealthIndicator - If Public Health Center (PHC)/Health Sub Center(HSC) is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has internet facility [250]
Numerator 1 -If PHC/HSC is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has internet facility [107]
Theme-6T60405PositiveMandatorySub Indicator Infrastructure HealthIndicator - If Public Health Center (PHC)/Health Sub Center(HSC) is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has Adequate furniture [251]
Numerator 1 -If PHC/HSC is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has Adequate furniture [98]
Theme-6T60406PositiveMandatorySub Indicator Infrastructure HealthIndicator - If Public Health Center (PHC)/Health Sub Center (HSC) is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has Adequate Technically Trained Manpower [252]
Numerator 1 -If PHC/HSC is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has Adequate Technically Trained Manpower [100]
Theme-6T60407PositiveMandatorySub Indicator Infrastructure HealthIndicator - If Public Health Center (PHC)/Health Sub Center (HSC) is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has Adequate & functional equipment as per National Health Mission(NHM) Guidelines [253]
Numerator 1 -If PHC/HSC is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has Adequate & functional equipment as per NHM Guidelines [97]
Theme-6T60408PositiveMandatorySub Indicator Infrastructure HealthIndicator - If Public Health Center(PHC)/Health Sub Center(HSC) is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has Available of sufficient quantity of Medicines [254]
Numerator 1 -If PHC/HSC is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has Available of sufficient quantity of Medicines [102]
Theme-6T60409PositiveMandatorySub Indicator Infrastructure HealthIndicator - If Public Health Center(PHC)/Health Sub Center(HSC) is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has Referral service facility (Ambulance) [255]
Numerator 1 -If PHC/HSC is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has Referral service facility (Ambulance) [109]
Theme-6T60410PositiveMandatorySub Indicator Infrastructure HealthIndicator - If Public Health Center (PHC)/Health Sub Center(HSC) is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has Adequate space [256]
Numerator 1 -If PHC/HSC is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has Adequate space [99]
Theme-6T60411PositiveMandatorySub Indicator Infrastructure HealthIndicator - If Public Health Center (PHC)/Health Sub Center(HSC) is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has sitting arrangement in waiting area [257]
Numerator 1 -If PHC/HSC is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has sitting arrangement in waiting area [110]
Theme-6T60412PositiveMandatorySub Indicator Infrastructure HealthIndicator - If Public Health Center (PHC)/Health Sub Center (HSC)is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has Adequate water supply with water storage facility [258]
Numerator 1 -If PHC/HSC is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has Adequate water supply with water storage facility [101]
Theme-6T60413PositiveMandatorySub Indicator Infrastructure HealthIndicator - If Public Health Center(PHC)/Health Sub Center(HSC) is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has Toilet with Adequate water supply for male and female separately [259]
Numerator 1 -If PHC/HSC is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has Toilet with Adequate water supply for male and female separately [112]
Theme-6T60414PositiveMandatorySub Indicator Infrastructure HealthIndicator - If Public Health Center (PHC)/Health Sub Center (HSC) is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has Firefighting equipment [260]
Numerator 1 -If PHC/HSC is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has Firefighting equipment [106]
Theme-6T60415PositiveMandatorySub Indicator Infrastructure HealthIndicator - If Public Health Center (PHC)/Health Sub Center(HSC) is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has Containment zone for disposal of waste products [261]
Numerator 1 -If PHC/HSC is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has Containment zone for disposal of waste products [103]
Theme-6T60416PositiveMandatorySub Indicator Infrastructure HealthIndicator - If Publi Health Center (PHC)/Health Sub Center(HSC) is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has Display posters (IEC)/ develop IEC corner for health education [262]
Numerator 1 -If PHC/HSC is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has Display posters (IEC)/ develop IEC corner for health education [104]
Theme-6T60417PositiveMandatorySub Indicator Infrastructure HealthIndicator - If Public Health Center(PHC)/Health Sub Center (HSC) is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has RAMPS for Physically challenged children/persons [263]
Numerator 1 -If PHC/HSC is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has RAMPS for Physically challenged children/persons [108]
Theme-6T60500PositiveMandatoryMain Indicator Infrastructure HealthIndicator - If Public Health Center(PHC)/Health Sub Center (HSC) is not there, then does the Panchayat has road access to nearest Public Health Center (PHC)/Health Sub Center (HSC)? [264]
Numerator 1 -If PHC/HSC is not there, then does the Panchayat has road access to nearest PHC/HSC? [95]
Theme-6T60701PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock Aid center is not there, Whether the GP has facility center for Livestock Treatment shed withTreves [266]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock Aid center is not there, Whether the GP has facility center for Livestock Treatment shed with Treves [65]
Theme-6T60702PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock Aid center is not there, Whether the GP has facility center for Livestock with Adequate water supply &water storage facility [267]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock Aid center is not there, Whether the GP has facility center for Livestock with Adequate water supply &water storage facility [66]
Theme-6T60703PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock Aid center is not there, Whether theGP facility center for Livestock has Containment zone for disposal of waste products [268]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock Aid center is not there, Whether theGP facility center for Livestock has Containment zone for disposal of waste products [67]
Theme-6T60704PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock Aid center is not there, Whether the GP facility center for Livestock has Wall should carry posters Information Education Communication(IEC) for health education. [269]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock Aid center is not there, Whether the GP facility center for Livestock has Walls that should carry posters (IEC) for health education. [64]
Theme-6T60705PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock Aid center is not there,Whether the GP facility center for Livestock has Immediate and primary treatment to the ailing animals [270]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock Aid center is not there,Whether the GP facility center for Livestock has Immediate and primary treatment to the ailing animals [68]
Theme-6T60706PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock Aid center is not there, Whether the GP facility center for Livestock has 100% Vaccination coverage of different vaccine preven diseases (VPD) for different animals [271]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock Aid center is not there, Whether the GP facility center for Livestock has 100% Vaccination coverage of different vaccine preventable diseases (VPD) for different animals [62]
Theme-6T60707PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock Aid center is not there, Whether the GP facility center for Livestock has 100% Insurance coverage [272]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock Aid center is not there, Whether the GP facility center for Livestock has 100% Insurance coverage [61]
Theme-6T60708PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock Aid center is not there, Whether the GP facility center for Livestock has 100% Deworming [273]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock Aid center is not there, Whether the GP facility center for Livestock has 100% Deworming [60]
Theme-6T60709PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock Aid center is not there, Whether the GP facility center for Livestock Organizing Health camp in each month regularly [274]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock Aid center is not there, Whether the GP facility center for Livestock Organizing Health camp in each month regularly [59]
Theme-6T60710PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock Aid center is not there, Whether the GP facility center for Livestock has imparted need based training to livestock farmers [275]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock Aid center is not there, Whether the GP facility center for Livestock has imparted need based training to livestock farmers [63]
Theme-6T60801PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock aid centre is there, then: Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Own building [276]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock aid centre is there, then: Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Own building [93]
Theme-6T60802PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has boundary wall and gate [277]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has boundary wall and gate [69]
Theme-6T60803PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Electricity [278]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Electricity [80]
Theme-6T60804PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Telephone [279]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Telephone [88]
Theme-6T60805PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Internet connection [280]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Internet connection [84]
Theme-6T60806PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Refrigerator [281]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Refrigerator [87]
Theme-6T60807PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Treatment shed with Treves [282]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Treatment shed with Treves [91]
Theme-6T60808PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Adequate Manpower ( L I, Vaccinator) [283]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Adequate Manpower ( L I, Vaccinator) [75]
Theme-6T60809PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Attendant, Sanitation worker-cum-watch man) for providing services 24 X 7 [284]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Attendant, Sanitation worker-cum-watch man) for providing services 24 X 7 [77]
Theme-6T60810PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Adequate & functional equipment [285]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Adequate & functional equipment [73]
Theme-6T60811PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Adequate furniture for medicine, instrument &minor operation [286]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Adequate furniture for medicine, instrument &minor operation [74]
Theme-6T60812PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Available of sufficient quantity of Medicines [287]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Available of sufficient quantity of Medicines [78]
Theme-6T60813PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Fully equipped small Operation Theater and labour room [288]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Fully equipped small OT and labour room [81]
Theme-6T60814PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Referral service [289]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Referral service [86]
Theme-6T60815PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Transportation / Ambulance facility [290]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Transportation / Ambulance facility [90]
Theme-6T60816PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Adequate water supply with water storage facility [291]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Adequate water supply with water storage facility [76]
Theme-6T60817PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Toilet with Adequate water supply for male and female separately [292]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Toilet with Adequate water supply for male and female separately [89]
Theme-6T60818PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Containment zone for disposal of waste products [293]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Containment zone for disposal of waste products [79]
Theme-6T60819PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Wall should carry posters (IEC) for health education. [294]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Walls that should carry posters (IEC) for health education. [92]
Theme-6T60820PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Immediate and primary treatment to the ailing animals [295]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Immediate and primary treatment to the ailing animals [82]
Theme-6T60821PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has 100% Vaccination coverage of different vaccine preven diseases (VPD) for different animals [296]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has 100% Vaccination coverage of different vaccine preventable diseases (VPD) for different animals [72]
Theme-6T60822PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has 100% Insurance coverage [297]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has 100% Insurance coverage [71]
Theme-6T60823PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has 100% Deworming [298]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has 100% Deworming [70]
Theme-6T60824PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Organizing Health camp in each month regularly [299]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Organizing Health camp in each month regularly [85]
Theme-6T60825PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorInfrastructure Animal HusbandryIndicator - If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Imparting need based training to livestock farmers [300]
Numerator 1 -If Livestock aid centre is there, then Whether the Livestock Aid Centre has Imparting need based training to livestock farmers [83]
Theme-6T60903PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorInfrastructure EducationIndicator - Percentage of primary schools have access to the Internet [303]
Denominator -Number of Primary schools in GP [383]
Numerator 1 -Number of Primary schools have access to the Internet in GP [382]
Theme-6T60904PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - percentage of primary schools have Boundary walls/fencing & gate [111]
Denominator -Number of Primary schools in GP [383]
Numerator 1 -Number of Primary school has Boundary wall/fencing & gate [473]
Theme-6T60905PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of primary schools have Adequate Manpower [305]
Denominator -Number of Primary schools in GP [383]
Numerator 1 -Number of Primary school has Adequate Manpower [472]
Theme-6T60907PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorInfrastructure EducationIndicator - Percentage of primary schools have Telephone [307]
Denominator -Number of Primary schools in GP [383]
Numerator 1 -Number of Primary school has a Telephone [484]
Theme-6T60910PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of primary schools have adequate Furniture [310]
Denominator -Number of Primary schools in GP [383]
Numerator 1 -Number of primary school has adequate Furniture [478]
Theme-6T60916PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having computers for Children [316]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis have Computer/mobile phone for Children [398]
Theme-6T61002PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorCommunity ServicesIndicator - If not, Whether Common Service Center (CSC)Functioning is in rented building [318]
Numerator 1 -Whether CSC Functioning is in rented building [94]
Theme-6T61003PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorCommunity ServicesIndicator - Whether the Common Service Center (CSC) has Electricity [319]
Numerator 1 -Whether the CSC has Electricity [425]
Theme-6T61004PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorCommunity ServicesIndicator - Whether the Common Service Center has Drinking water facility [320]
Numerator 1 -Whether the CSC has Drinking water facility [424]
Theme-6T61005PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorCommunity ServicesIndicator - Whether the Common Service Center has Toilet Facility [321]
Numerator 1 -Whether the CSC has Toilet Facility [430]
Theme-6T61006PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorCommunity ServicesIndicator - Whether the Common Service Center has Furniture [322]
Numerator 1 -Whether the CSC has Furniture [426]
Theme-6T61007PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorCommunity ServicesIndicator - Whether the Common Service Center (CSC) has Manpower [323]
Numerator 1 -Whether the CSC has Manpower [428]
Theme-6T61008PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorCommunity ServicesIndicator - Whether the Common Service Center has Computer with Internet facility [324]
Numerator 1 -Whether the CSC has Computer with Internet facility [423]
Theme-6T61009PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorCommunity ServicesIndicator - Whether the Common Service Center has Printer [325]
Numerator 1 -Whether the CSC has Printer [429]
Theme-6T61010PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorCommunity ServicesIndicator - Whether the Common Service Center has 2 PC's with UPS with battery backup or por generator set [326]
Numerator 1 -Whether the CSC has 2 PC's with UPS with battery backup or portable generator set. [420]
Theme-6T61011PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorCommunity ServicesIndicator - Whether the Common Service Center (CSC) has Web Cam [327]
Numerator 1 -Whether the CSC has Web Cam [431]
Theme-6T61012PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorCommunity ServicesIndicator - Whether the Common Service Center has Biometric/IRIS Authentication Scanner [328]
Numerator 1 -Whether the CSC has Biometric/IRIS Authentication Scanner [422]
Theme-6T61013PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorCommunity ServicesIndicator - Whether the Common Service Center has Information Board on different services available at CSC [329]
Numerator 1 -Whether the CSC has Information Board on different services available at CSC [427]
Theme-6T61014PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorCommunity ServicesIndicator - Whether the CSC has Adequate Waiting space [330]
Numerator 1 -Whether the CSC has Adequate Waiting space [421]
Theme-6T61101PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorCommunity ServicesIndicator - Whether Common Facility Centre (CFC) has A room to store all machineries [331]
Numerator 1 -Whether Common Facility Centre (CFC) has a room to store all machineries [345]
Theme-6T61102PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorCommunity ServicesIndicator - Whether Common Facility Centre (CFC) has Electricity [332]
Numerator 1 -Whether Common Facility Centre (CFC) has Electricity [346]
Theme-6T61103PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorCommunity ServicesIndicator - Whether Common Facility Centre (CFC) has Procurement of farm machineries as per the requirement [333]
Numerator 1 -Whether Common Facility Centre (CFC) has Procurement of farm machineries as per the requirement [347]
Theme-6T61201PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorCommunity ServicesIndicator - Whether Library cum Information Center has access to Electricity [334]
Numerator 1 -Whether Library cum Information center has access to Electricity [375]
Theme-6T61202PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorCommunity ServicesIndicator - Whether Library cum Information Center has access to Toilet [335]
Numerator 1 -Whether Library cum Information center has access to Toilet [377]
Theme-6T61203PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorCommunity ServicesIndicator - Whether Library cum Information Center has access to Safe Drinking water [336]
Numerator 1 -Whether Library cum Information center has access to Safe Drinking water [376]
Theme-6T61204PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorCommunity ServicesIndicator - Whether Library cum Information Center has access to Books, Journals and Periodicals [337]
Numerator 1 -Whether Library cum Information center has Books, Journals and Periodicals [373]
Theme-6T61205PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorCommunity ServicesIndicator - Whether Library cum Information Center has access to Computer and Audio Visual (AV) aid [338]
Numerator 1 -Whether Library cum Information center has access to Computer and Audio Visual Aid [374]
Theme-6T61303PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorCommunity ServicesIndicator - If Gram Panchayat has a Community Hall, then Whether Community Hall has Furniture [341]
Numerator 1 -If GP has a Community Hall, then Whether Community Hall has Furniture [54]
Theme-6T61306PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorCommunity ServicesIndicator - If Gram Panchayat has a Community Hall, then Whether Community Hall has Kitchen [344]
Numerator 1 -If GP has a Community Hall, then Whether Community Hall has Kitchen [55]
Theme-6T61401PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorCommunity ServicesIndicator - Whether the GP has SHG Building with access to Electricity [345]
Numerator 1 -Whether the GP has SHG Building with access to Electricity [446]
Theme-6T61402PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorCommunity ServicesIndicator - Whether the GP has Self Help Group Building with access to Toilet with water supply [346]
Numerator 1 -Whether the GP has SHG Building with access to Toilet with water supply [447]
Theme-6T61600PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorBasic FacilitiesIndicator - Road Connectivity from GP to main Road [348]
Numerator 1 -Road- Connectivity from GP to main Road [312]
Theme-6T61700PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorBasic FacilitiesIndicator - Road- Proper lighting facility in Gram Panchayat/ Panchayat Samiti road [349]
Numerator 1 -Road- Proper lighting facility in GP /PS road [313]
Theme-6T61901PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorBasic FacilitiesIndicator - Whether GP has adequate overhead tank capacity or serve by other neighbourhood water tank [351]
Numerator 1 -Whether GP has Adequate overhead Tank capacity [362]
Theme-6T61903PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorBasic FacilitiesIndicator - Whether GP has Adequate water sources [353]
Numerator 1 -Whether GP has Adequate water sources [363]
Theme-6T61904PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorBasic FacilitiesIndicator - Whether GP has Construction of Water treatment plant [354]
Numerator 1 -Whether GP has Construction of Water treatment plant [364]
Theme-6T61905PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorBasic FacilitiesIndicator - Whether GP has Pump house with water pump [355]
Numerator 1 -Whether GP has Pump house with water pump [372]
Theme-6T62100PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorBasic FacilitiesIndicator - Whether street light provided in other public places for ensuring the safety [357]
Numerator 1 -Whether street light provided in other public places for ensuring the safety [389]
Theme-6T62201PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorBasic FacilitiesIndicator - Whether the Burial /Cremation Ground has basic facility of Water [358]
Numerator 1 -Whether the Burial /Cremation Ground has basic facility of Water [417]
Theme-6T62202PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorBasic FacilitiesIndicator - Whether the Burial /Cremation Ground has basic facility of Approach Road [359]
Numerator 1 -Whether the Burial /Cremation Ground has basic facility of Approach Road [414]
Theme-6T62203PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorBasic FacilitiesIndicator - Whether the Burial /Cremation Ground has basic facility of Shed [360]
Numerator 1 -Whether the Burial /Cremation Ground has basic facility of Shed [416]
Theme-6T62204PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorBasic FacilitiesIndicator - Whether the Burial /Cremation Ground has basic facility of Light [361]
Numerator 1 -Whether the Burial /Cremation Ground has basic facility of Light [415]
Theme-6T62300PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorBasic FacilitiesIndicator - Is local market connected by all-weather road connectivity? [362]
Numerator 1 -Is local market connected by all-weather road connectivity? [120]
Theme-6T62400PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorBasic FacilitiesIndicator - Whether the GP has easy access to Godown [363]
Numerator 1 -Whether the GP has easy access to Godown [441]
Theme-6T62602PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorInfrastructure SportsIndicator - Whether GP has play ground with Green fencing and Plantation of shady trees along periphery of the playground [366]
Numerator 1 -Whether GP has play ground with Green fencing and Plantation of shady trees along periphery of the playground [369]
Theme-6T62603PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorInfrastructure SportsIndicator - Whether GP has Play Ground with Installation of water facility to the playground [367]
Numerator 1 -Whether GP has Play Ground with Installation of water facility to the playground [370]
Theme-6T62604PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorInfrastructure SportsIndicator - Whether GP has Play Ground with toilet for male and female separately [368]
Numerator 1 -Whether GP has Play Ground with toilet for male and female separately [371]
Theme-6T62605PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorInfrastructure SportsIndicator - Whether GP has Play Ground with boundary wall gallery, cement benches etc. [369]
Numerator 1 -Whether GP has Play Ground with boundary wall gallery, cement benches etc. is available in Play Ground [368]
Theme-6T62800PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorDisaster ManagementIndicator - If the Gram Panchayat does not have a Disaster Management Plan, whether they have imparted training [371]
Numerator 1 -If the GP does not have a Disaster Management Plan, whether they have imparted training [115]
Theme-6T62900PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorDisaster ManagementIndicator - If the Gram Panchayat does have a Disaster Management Plan, then: First Responders trained at the GP level [372]
Numerator 1 -If the GP does have a Disaster Management Plan, then whether the First Responders trained at the GP level [114]
Theme-6T63001PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorDisaster ManagementIndicator - Whether the GP has a Disaster Shelter/Community Shelter [373]
Numerator 1 -Whether the GP has a disaster shelter [11]
Theme-6T63002PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorDisaster ManagementIndicator - If Disaster Shelter is available, whether the building has Electricity [374]
Numerator 1 -If disaster shelter is available, whether the building has Electricity [48]
Theme-6T63003PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorDisaster ManagementIndicator - If Disaster Shelter is available, whether the building has Generator [375]
Numerator 1 -If disaster shelter is available, whether the building has Generator [49]
Theme-6T63004PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorDisaster ManagementIndicator - If Disaster Shelter is available, whether the building hasToilet [376]
Numerator 1 -If disaster shelter is available, whether the building has Toilet [52]
Theme-6T63005PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorDisaster ManagementIndicator - If Disaster Shelter/Community Shelter is available, whether the building has Safe Drinking Water [377]
Numerator 1 -If disaster shelter is available, whether the building has Safe Drinking water [51]
Theme-6T63006PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorDisaster ManagementIndicator - If Disaster Shelter/Community Shelter is available, whether the building has utensil set [378]
Numerator 1 -If disaster shelter is available, whether the building has Utensil set [53]
Theme-6T63007PositiveOptionalSub IndicatorDisaster ManagementIndicator - If Disaster Shelter is available, whether the building has Rescue Equipment [379]
Numerator 1 -If disaster shelter is available, whether the building has Rescue Equipment [50]
Theme-6T63100PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorDisaster ManagementIndicator - Is there any identified safe areas for domestic animals care in the event of Disaster [380]
Numerator 1 -Is there any identified safe areas for domestic animals care in the event of Disaster [124]
Theme-7T70300PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorIncome ; Ultra poorIndicator - Percentage of women from AAY category in the SHGs [565]
Denominator -Total number of Women under Antyodaya Anna Yojana(AAY)NFSA category [533]
Numerator 1 -Total Number of Women from AAY category in the SHGs [325]
Theme-7T70400PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorHealthIndicator - Percentage of Households covered by a Health Scheme /Health Insurance under Aayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana or any State Govt Health Scheme/Health Insurance [20]
Denominator -Total Households [517]
Numerator 1 -Number of households covered by a health scheme or health insurance under Aayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana or any State Govt Health Scheme/Health Insurance [205]
Theme-7T70800PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorHealthIndicator - Proportion of differently abled received support for Community Based Rehabilitation CBR (through Disability Rehabilitation Centres DRC) [390]
Denominator -Total number of differently abled persons [627]
Numerator 1 -Number of differently abled received support for Community Based Rehabilitation CBR (through Disability Rehabilitation Centres DRC) [175]
Theme-7T70900PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorHealthIndicator - Proportion of Mentally Challenged provided institutional assistance covered through Day Care Centres funded by the Government /Community/CSO. Women/ SC/ST /Aged [391]
Denominator -Total number of Mentally Challenged Women /Elderly/ SC/STs. [648]
Numerator 1 -Number of Mentally Challenged Women /Elderly / SC/STs provided institutional assistance covered through Day Care Centres funded by the Government/Community/CSO. [225]
Theme-7T71000PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorHealthIndicator - Proportion of population who are covered under the District Mental health programme - Women/ SCST/ Aged / Differently abled person [392]
Denominator -Total number of persons covered under District Mental Health programme [652]
Numerator 1 -Number of Women/ Elderly/Differently abled /SC/STs covered under District Mental Health programme [291]
Theme-7T71500PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorHealthIndicator - Did Gram Panchayat make efforts to provide palliative care to the needy? [397]
Numerator 1 -Did GP make efforts to provide palliative care to the needy? [30]
Theme-7T71700PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorIncomeIndicator - Percentage of Eligible Receiving SSS - Destitute Pension [399]
Denominator -Total number of Eligible Destitute [629]
Numerator 1 -Number of Eligible Destitute receiving respective Pensions [179]
Theme-7T71800PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorIncomeIndicator - Percentage of Eligible Receiving SSS - SC/STs destitute receiving destitute pension [400]
Denominator -Total number of Eligible SC/STs Destitute [632]
Numerator 1 -Number of Eligible SC/STs destitute receiving respective Pensions [178]
Theme-7T71900PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorIncomeIndicator - Percentage of Eligible Women Receiving SSS - Women destitute receiving destitute pension [401]
Denominator -Total number of Eligible women Destitute [634]
Numerator 1 -Number of Eligible women Destitute receiving respective Pensions [181]
Theme-7T72200PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorIncomeIndicator - Percentage of Women in SHGs benefitted Under Priority Household (PHH) & Antyodaya Anna Yojana(AAY) category [564]
Denominator -Total number of Women under Priority Household (PHH) & Antyodaya Anna Yojana(AAY) category under NFSA [534]
Numerator 1 -Total Number of Women in SHGs benefitted Under Priority Household (PHH) & Antyodaya Anna Yojana(AAY) category [326]
Theme-7T72300PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorIncomeIndicator - Number of women having a account (including deposit and credit accounts) of scheduled banks as percentage of total population [16]
Denominator -Total GP Population [522]
Numerator 1 -Number of accounts of women in scheduled commercial banks [141]
Theme-7T72400PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorIncomeIndicator - Whether the coverage of SC/ST beneficiaries in the Development programme is ensured [406]
Numerator 1 -Whether the coverage of SC/ST beneficiaries in the Development programme is ensured [419]
Theme-7T72500PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorIncomeIndicator - Whether the Transgender gets the eligible financial support? [407]
Numerator 1 -Whether the transgender gets the eligible financial support? [503]
Theme-7T72701PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorSocial SecurityIndicator - Percentage of Differently abled persons having Ids cards [409]
Denominator -Total number of Differently abled persons/ Women/Elderly persons/SC/STs [531]
Numerator 1 -Number of Differently abled persons having Ids cards [172]
Theme-7T72703PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorSocial SecurityIndicator - Percentage of Differently abled persons provided with Assistive devices [411]
Denominator -Total number of Differently abled persons/ Women/Elderly persons/SC/STs [531]
Numerator 1 -Number of Differently abled persons provided with Assistive devices [173]
Theme-7T72800PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorSocial SecurityIndicator - Proportion of Physically Challenged provided institutional assistance covered through Day Care Centres funded by the Government /Community/CSO. Women /SC/ST /Aged [593]
Denominator -Total number of physically challenged Women /Eldelry/ SC/STs. [655]
Numerator 1 -Number of physically challenged Women /Elderly/ SC/STs provided institutional assistance covered through Day Care Centres funded by the Government/ Community/CSO. [242]
Theme-7T72900NegativeOptionalMain IndicatorSocial SecurityIndicator - Number of deaths, missing persons and directly affected persons attributed to disasters per 1000 person [413]
Denominator -Total GP Population [522]
Numerator 1 -Number of deaths, missing persons and directly affected persons attributed to disasters [169]
Theme-7T73000NegativeOptionalSub IndicatorSocial SecurityIndicator - Number of unemployed youth in the age group 15-29 who are neither in employment /training / Education [414]
Numerator 1 -Number of youth (15-29 years of age) neither in employment /training / Education [297]
Theme-7T73100PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorSocial SecurityIndicator - Whether the Transgender has basic id proof? [415]
Numerator 1 -whether the transgender has basic id proof? [504]
Theme-7T73200PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorSocial SecurityIndicator - Whether Panchayat is tracking that crimes against women, children, aged and differently abled are reported and First Information Report(FIRs) are filed? [416]
Numerator 1 -Whether Panchayat is tracking that crimes against women, children, aged and differently abled are reported and FIRs are filed? [381]
Theme-7T73300PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorSocial SecurityIndicator - Whether the GP has made list of Vulnerable (Ultra Poor, Aged, differently abled, SC/ST, Migrants, children, women etc.,) [417]
Numerator 1 -Whether the GP has made list of Vulnerable (Ultra Poor, Aged, differently abled, SC/ST, Migrants, children, women etc.,) [442]
Theme-7T73500PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorSocial SecurityIndicator - Whether the Gram Panchayat is arranged for support for Victims of unforeseen circumstances [419]
Numerator 1 -Whether the GP is arranged for support for Victims of unforeseen circumstances [452]
Theme-7T73600PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorSocial SecurityIndicator - Whether the Panchayat facilitates /has established a mechanism in building a livelihood for the victim if they need [420]
Numerator 1 -Whether the Panchayat facilitates has established a mechanism in building a livelihood for the victim if they need [469]
Theme-7T73900PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorBasic facilitiesIndicator - Percentage of Poor & Ultra Poor Households (covered under NFSA PHH & AAY) with functional Household Water Tap connections (FHTC) [423]
Denominator -Total Poor & Ultra Poor Households (covered under NFSA PHH & AAY) [681]
Numerator 1 -Total Poor & Ultra Poor Households (covered under NFSA PHH & AAY) having functional Household water tap connection during the reference year [334]
Theme-7T74400PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorBasic facilitiesIndicator - Whether the Status of infrastructure and civic services in the SC/ST habitations is equi [428]
Numerator 1 -whether the Status of infrastructure and civic services in the SC/ST habitations is equatable to other [502]
Theme-7T74500NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorLNOBIndicator - Percentage of homeless person in GP [429]
Denominator -Total GP Population [522]
Numerator 1 -Total number of homeless person [320]
Theme-7T74700PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorSocial ProtectionIndicator - Child Sex Ratio (0-6 years) [431]
Denominator -Number of Boys in the age group 0-6 years [576]
Numerator 1 -Number of Girls in the age group 0-6 years [195]
Theme-7T74800NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorEducationIndicator - Number of Out of School Girl Children (6-14 years) in GP [432]
Numerator 1 -Number of out of school girl children in GP [233]
Theme-7T75600NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorCrimeIndicator - Percentage of Missing Girl Children to total Missing Children [440]
Denominator -Number of missing children reported [226]
Numerator 1 -Number of Missing Girl children reported [227]
Theme-7T76100NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorCrimeIndicator - Number of cases of violence, desertion of aged persons [445]
Numerator 1 -Number of cases of violence, desertion of aged persons [152]
Theme-7T76200NegativeOptionalMain IndicatorCrimeIndicator - Number of cases of violence of differently abled [446]
Numerator 1 -Number of cases of violence of differently abled during reference year [151]
Theme-7T76300PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorSC/STIndicator - Did GP ensure appropriate interventions for prevention of atrocities against SC/ST? [447]
Numerator 1 -Did GP ensure appropriate interventions for prevention of atrocities against SC/ST? [28]
Theme-7T76400PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorParticipationIndicator - Did GP ensure participation of SC/STs members including SC/ST women in meeting and committees and in various initiatives of the GP? [448]
Numerator 1 -Did GP ensure participation of SC/STs members including SC/ST women in meeting and committees and in various initiatives of the GP? [29]
Theme-7T76500PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorParticipationIndicator - Were members from SC/ST involved in participatory planning and projectisation? [449]
Numerator 1 -Whether members from SC/ST involved in participatory planning and projectisation? [691]
Theme-7T76600PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorParticipationIndicator - Whether the GP ensured SC & ST social inclusion [450]
Numerator 1 -Whether the GP ensured SC&ST social inclusion? [433]
Theme-7T76700PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorGP SpendingIndicator - Percentage of budget allocated for welfare of SCs and STs in GP [451]
Denominator -Total GP Budget ( All scheme) [548]
Numerator 1 -Total Budget allocated for welfare of SC/STs in GP [314]
Theme-8T80200PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorTeamWorkIndicator - Percentage of committees /CBO involved in GPDP Planning [455]
Denominator -Total Committees/CBO [603]
Numerator 1 -number of committees /Community Based Organization involved in GPDP planning [161]
Theme-8T80500PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorTeamWorkIndicator - Number of Partnership established with Non Government Organization(NGO)/Community Based Organization(CBO)/Private sector/Institutions [458]
Numerator 1 -Number of Partnership established with NGO /CBO/Private sector/institutions [234]
Theme-8T80600PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorTeamWorkIndicator - Percentage of Youth and Children participation in at least in one IEC [459]
Denominator -Total youth and children population [687]
Numerator 1 -Number of Youth and Children participation in at least in one IEC [298]
Theme-8T80900PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorTeamWorkIndicator - Number of Activities conducted for youth and children [462]
Numerator 1 -Number of Activities conducted for youth and children by GP [142]
Theme-8T81100PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorTeamWorkIndicator - Percentage of SHG issues addressed by GP [464]
Denominator -Total number of Issues raised by SHG [645]
Numerator 1 -Number of SHGs issues addressed by GP [262]
Theme-8T81500PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorTechnologyIndicator - Percentage of Grievances redressed [469]
Denominator -Total number of Grievances received during reference year [639]
Numerator 1 -Number of Grievances redressed by GP [199]
Theme-8T81603PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorTechnologyIndicator - Whether the GP has availability of trained manpower [472]
Numerator 1 -Whether the GP has availability of trained manpower [438]
Theme-8T81700PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorTechnologyIndicator - Percentage of public assets in the GP mapped available on portal [473]
Denominator -Total number of Public Assets in GP as per GPDP [656]
Numerator 1 -Number of public assets mapped on portal [247]
Theme-8T81800PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorTechnologyIndicator - Percentage of Geo Tagging of Projects/works [474]
Denominator -Total number of asset created [617]
Numerator 1 -number of Activity / Projects Geo tagged & funded through GP [144]
Theme-8T83000PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorTime LineIndicator - Percentage of Works completed to the total number of works taken up by Departments [489]
Denominator -Total number of works ( Admin Approval done) [557]
Numerator 1 -number of works completed by Departments [293]
Theme-8T83200PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorTransparencyIndicator - Whether the Gram Panchayat Office opened daily [492]
Numerator 1 -Whether the GP Office opened daily [454]
Theme-8T83400PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorTransparencyIndicator - Ensuring transparency in Tender process [494]
Numerator 1 -Whether GP is ensuring transparency in Tender process [34]
Theme-8T83500PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorTransparencyIndicator - Whether Progress of works & Utilization of Fund is placed in Gram Sabha [495]
Numerator 1 -Whether Progress of works & Utilization of Fund is placed in Gram Sabha [384]
Theme-8T83600PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorTransparencyIndicator - Whether Panchayat accounts read out in the Gram Sabha [496]
Numerator 1 -Whether Panchayat accounts read out in the Gram Sabha [378]
Theme-8T83800PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorTransparencyIndicator - Percentage of RTI queries responded [498]
Denominator -Number of RTI queries raised [588]
Numerator 1 -Number of RTI queries answered [254]
Theme-8T84300PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorTransparencyIndicator - Value of issues raised in the Social Audit Report [503]
Numerator 1 -Value of issues raised in the Social Audit Report [343]
Theme-8T84900PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorTransparencyIndicator - People participation in the conduct of Social Audit per work [509]
Denominator -Number of works audited [591]
Numerator 1 -Number of people participated in work Social Audit [235]
Theme-8T85000PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorTransparencyIndicator - Percentage of works implemented in GP being monitored by GP's committee [510]
Denominator -Total number of Works implemented by GP [674]
Numerator 1 -number of works implemented by GP being monitored [295]
Theme-8T85100PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorTransparencyIndicator - Number of works monitored by committee to total number of works [511]
Denominator -Total number of works undertaken [676]
Numerator 1 -number of works monitored by Committees [296]
Theme-8T85500PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorTransformationIndicator - Whether Training for Disaster Management conducted [516]
Numerator 1 -Whether Training for Disaster Management conductued [510]
Theme-8T85600PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorTransformationIndicator - Average coverage of persons (age >18) in GP under various Capacity building programme [517]
Denominator -Number of Capacity building programmes conducted [587]
Numerator 1 -Number of persons attended Capacity building programme [236]
Theme-8T85800PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorTransformationIndicator - Percentage of women issues on which action taken [519]
Denominator -Numbers of women issues raised [597]
Numerator 1 -Numbers of women issues on which action taken by GP [304]
Theme-8T86000PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorTransformationIndicator - Percentage of Children issues on which action taken by Gram Panchayat [521]
Denominator -Numbers of children issues raised [592]
Numerator 1 -Numbers of children issues on which action taken by GP [299]
Theme-8T86200PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorTransformationIndicator - Percentage of elderly issues on which action taken [523]
Denominator -Numbers of elderly issues raised [594]
Numerator 1 -Numbers of elderly issues on which action taken by GP [301]
Theme-8T86400PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorTransformationIndicator - Percentage of differently abled issues on which action taken [525]
Denominator -Numbers of differently abled issues raised in Gram Sabha [593]
Numerator 1 -Numbers of differently abled issues on which action taken by GP [300]
Theme-8T86500PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorTransformationIndicator - Whether the Issues related to marginalised (including Transgender) is discussed in the Gram Sabha [526]
Numerator 1 -Whether the Issues related to marginalised (including Transgender) is discussed in the Gram Sabha [461]
Theme-8T86600PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorTransformationIndicator - Percentage of marginalised (including Transgender) issues on which action taken [527]
Denominator -Numbers of marginalised (including Transgender) issues raised [595]
Numerator 1 -Numbers of marginalised (including Transgender) issues on which action taken by GP [302]
Theme-8T86800PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorTransformationIndicator - Percentage of SC/ST issues on which action taken [529]
Denominator -Numbers of SC/ST issues raised [596]
Numerator 1 -Numbers of SC/ST issues on which action taken by GP [303]
Theme-8T87000PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorTransformationIndicator - Average Ward Sabha conducted (total ward sabha/number of sabha) [531]
Denominator -Number of wards in GP [590]
Numerator 1 -Number of ward sabhas conducted [274]
Theme-8T87400PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorTransformationIndicator - Percentage of Expenditures made to empower vulnerable and margnalised section out of GP fund/Own source revenue [535]
Denominator -Total Own source revenue [679]
Numerator 1 -Expenditures made by GP to empower vulnerable and marginalised section [35]
Theme-8T87500PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorTransformationIndicator - Number of income generating assets created during year of Assessment? [536]
Denominator -Total number of asset created [617]
Numerator 1 -Number of income-generating assets created during the reference year [137]
Theme-9T90200PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorGender sex RatioIndicator - Proportion of girls to boys (0-6 years) [538]
Denominator -Number of Boys in the age group 0-6 years [576]
Numerator 1 -Number of Girls in the age group 0-6 years [195]
Theme-9T90400PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorHealthIndicator - Proportion of women (aged 30-49) screened under the Non Communicable Disease (NCD) programme for cervical/breast cancer [540]
Denominator -Total number of women [535]
Numerator 1 -Number of Women aged (30-49) screened under the NCD [278]
Theme-9T90900PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorHealthIndicator - Percentage of women headed households under Aayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana or any State Govt Health scheme /health insurance [545]
Denominator -Total estimated number of eligible women headed households [605]
Numerator 1 -Number of women-headed households under Aayushman Bharat or Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana or any State Govt Health scheme /health insurance [707]
Theme-9T91600NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorHealthIndicator - Under-five mortality rate of girl children per 1,000 live births [552]
Denominator -Number of Live girls age under 5 years during the given year [573]
Numerator 1 -Number of deaths of girl of age under 5 year (0-59 months) [135]
Theme-9T91700NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorHealthIndicator - Neonatal girl mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) [553]
Denominator -Girl Live births during reference year [567]
Numerator 1 -Deaths of girl neonates age less than 29 days (neonatal deaths) during given year [26]
Theme-9T91800NegativeOptionalMain IndicatorEducationIndicator - Ratio of girls/women in the age group 15-29 not in education employment or training to Boys/Men [554]
Denominator -Number of boys/Men in the age group 15-29 not in education, employment or training [577]
Numerator 1 -Number of Girls/women in the age group 15-29 not in education, employment or training [196]
Theme-9T91900NegativeOptionalMain IndicatorEducationIndicator - Percentage of Girls/women (aged 15-29 years) not in education, employment or training to total girls [555]
Denominator -Total Number of Girls and women in the age group 15-29 [638]
Numerator 1 -Number of Girls/women in the age group 15-29 not in education, employment or training [196]
Theme-9T92100PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorEducationIndicator - Percentage of girl children between ages 3-6 receiving some form of formal pre-school education or early childhood care in AWC [560]
Denominator -Total Number of girl Children aged 3-6 years [637]
Numerator 1 -Number of girl Children Aged 3-6 years receiving Pre School education or early childhood [193]
Theme-9T92300PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorIncome generationIndicator - Percentage of Women in SHGs benefitted Under Priority Household (PHH) & Antyodaya Anna Yojana(AAY) category [564]
Denominator -Total number of Women under Priority Household (PHH) & Antyodaya Anna Yojana(AAY) category under NFSA [534]
Numerator 1 -Total Number of Women in SHGs benefitted Under Priority Household (PHH) & Antyodaya Anna Yojana(AAY) category [326]
Theme-9T92400PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorIncome generationIndicator - Percentage of women from AAY category in the SHGs [565]
Denominator -Total number of Women under Antyodaya Anna Yojana(AAY)NFSA category [533]
Numerator 1 -Total Number of Women from AAY category in the SHGs [325]
Theme-9T92800PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorIncome generationIndicator - Number of women having a account (including deposit and credit accounts) of scheduled banks as percentage of total population [16]
Denominator -Total GP Population [522]
Numerator 1 -Number of accounts of women in scheduled commercial banks [141]
Theme-9T93000PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorLeadership and EmpowermentIndicator - Percentage of Women in leadership position in Farmers Producer Organizations(FPO) etc. [571]
Denominator -Total number of Leadership position in GP level Organisation [646]
Numerator 1 -Number of Women in leadership position in GP level Organisation [287]
Theme-9T93400PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorParticipationIndicator - Are women involved in the preparation of Disaster Risk Reduction and Disaster ManagementPlan? [575]
Numerator 1 -Are women involved in the preparation of Disaster Risk Reduction and Disaster Management Plan? [6]
Theme-9T93500PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorCrimesIndicator - Awareness regarding Help Line [576]
Numerator 1 -Awareness regarding help line [12]
Theme-9T94100PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorSocial ProtectionIndicator - Percentage of women senior citizens provided institutional assistance through Senior Citizen Homes/Day Care Centers funded by the Government/ managed by the Panchayat [582]
Denominator -Total number of Senior citizen women [650]
Numerator 1 -Number of women senior citizens provided institutional assistance through Senior Citizen Homes/Day Care Centers funded by the Government/ managed by the Panchayat [229]
Theme-9T94400NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorSocial ProtectionIndicator - Percentage of Women Headed households living in kutcha houses [585]
Denominator -Total number of women headed households [672]
Numerator 1 -Number of Women Headed households living in kutcha houses [286]
Theme-9T94600PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorGP SpendingIndicator - Whether the GP is preparing Gender Responsive Budget [587]
Numerator 1 -Whether the GP is preparing Gender Responsive Budget [453]