Total Indicators
ThemeTheme CodeCategoryMandatory/OptionalIndicator TypeGroupDetails
Theme-7T74900NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorCrimeIndicator - Number of dowry related cases reported in GP per 1000 currently married 15-49 years [433]
Denominator -Currently married women aged 15-49 years [538]
Numerator 1 -Number of dowry related cases reported in GP [177]
Theme-7T75000NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorCrimeIndicator - Rate of all Crime Against Women per 1000 women [577]
Denominator -Mid-year female population [542]
Numerator 1 -No. cases registered under crime against women [13]
Theme-7T75100NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorCrimeIndicator - Percentage of crimes against women to total crime [578]
Denominator -Total Cases registered under (Indian Penal Code) IPC and (Special and Local Law) SLL during reference year [602]
Numerator 1 -No. cases registered under crime against women [13]
Theme-7T75200NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorCrimeIndicator - Proportion of women aged 18 to 49 years who have ever experienced physical or sexual violence committed by their husband [436]
Denominator -total female population of 18-49 years [606]
Numerator 1 -Number of women aged 18 to 49 years who have ever experienced physical or sexual violence committed by their husband [279]
Theme-7T75300NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorCrimeIndicator - Number of sexual crime reported in GP during the reference year [437]
Numerator 1 -Number of sexual crime reported in GP during the year [260]
Theme-7T75700NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorCrimeIndicator - Number of POCSO cases reported [132]
Numerator 1 -Number of POCSO cases reported [244]
Theme-7T75800NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorCrimeIndicator - Number of Crime Reported against Children during the year [442]
Numerator 1 -Number of Crime reported against Children during the year [167]
Theme-7T75900NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorCrimeIndicator - Number of Child Marriage reported [443]
Numerator 1 -Number of Child Marriage reported [154]
Theme-7T76000NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorCrimeIndicator - Number of victims of intentional homicide per 1000 population [444]
Denominator -Total GP Population [522]
Numerator 1 -Number of victims reported under Murder (IPC Section 302 IPC) [273]
Theme-9T93600NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorCrimesIndicator - Rate of all Crime Against Women per 1000 women [577]
Denominator -Mid-year female population [542]
Numerator 1 -No. cases registered under crime against women [13]
Theme-9T93700NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorCrimesIndicator - Percentage of crimes against women to total crime [578]
Denominator -Total Cases registered under (Indian Penal Code) IPC and (Special and Local Law) SLL during reference year [602]
Numerator 1 -No. cases registered under crime against women [13]
Theme-9T93800NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorCrimesIndicator - Rate of Domestic violence against Women per 1000 women [579]
Denominator -Total Number of AAY Eligible Women Headed Households [614]
Numerator 1 -Number of Domestic Violence reported against Women [176]