Total Indicators
ThemeTheme CodeCategoryMandatory/OptionalIndicator TypeGroupDetails
Theme-4T40100PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorDrinking WaterIndicator - Percentage of Household with Water Tap connections [36]
Denominator -Total Households [517]
Numerator 1 -Number of Households with Water Tap connections [216]
Theme-4T40300PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorDrinking WaterIndicator - Per capita supply of water (Litre Per Person Per Day (LPCD)) in the village [153]
Denominator -Total GP Population [522]
Numerator 1 -Total Supply of Water during the reference year [337]
Theme-4T40400PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorDrinking WaterIndicator - Whether Water supply unhindered to tail end Household [154]
Numerator 1 -Whether Water supply unhindered to tail end Household (HH) [512]
Theme-4T40500PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorDrinking WaterIndicator - Percentage coverage of Water supply in Schools, Anganwadis and Public Institutions [155]
Denominator -Total number of schools, Anganwadis and public institutions [661]
Numerator 1 -Number of schools, Anganwadis and public institutions with water supply [257]
Theme-4T40600PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorDrinking WaterIndicator - Whether 100% testing of drinking water sources, using Field Testing Kit, including private sources and sanitary inspection is done by Panchayat [156]
Numerator 1 -Whether 100% testing of drinking water sources, using Field Testing Kit(FTK), including private sources and sanitary inspection is done by Panchayat [344]
Theme-4T40700PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorDrinking WaterIndicator - Percentage of Water sample testing using Field Test Kit [157]
Denominator -Total number of tests conducted [666]
Numerator 1 -Number of Water Sample tested using Field Testing Kit (FTK) [277]
Theme-4T40800PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorDrinking WaterIndicator - Whether the drinking water source is well maintained. No waste water enters into the source and well protected from any contamination [158]
Numerator 1 -Whether the drinking water source is well maintained. no waste water enters into the source and well protected from any contamination [432]