Sub Indicators
ThemeTheme CodeCategoryMandatory/OptionalIndicator TypeGroupDetails
Theme-8T81601PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorTechnologyIndicator - Whether the GP has availability of operational computer system [470]
Numerator 1 -Whether the GP has availability of operational computer system [436]
Theme-8T81602PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorTechnologyIndicator - Whether the GP has availability of internet connectivity [471]
Numerator 1 -Whether the GP has availability of internet connectivity [437]
Theme-8T81603PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorTechnologyIndicator - Whether the GP has availability of trained manpower [472]
Numerator 1 -Whether the GP has availability of trained manpower [438]
Theme-8T82001PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorTechnologyIndicator - Closing of Accounts in eGramSwaraj- Daily [476]
Numerator 1 -Closing of Accounts in eGramSwaraj -Daily [20]
Theme-8T82002PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorTechnologyIndicator - Closing of Accounts in eGramSwaraj- Monthly [477]
Numerator 1 -Closing of Accounts in eGramSwaraj-Monthly [21]
Theme-8T82003PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorTechnologyIndicator - Closing of Accounts in eGramSwaraj- Annual [478]
Numerator 1 -Whether Annually account book is closed in eGS by Is April 2023 [22]