Sub Indicators
ThemeTheme CodeCategoryMandatory/OptionalIndicator TypeGroupDetails
Theme-3T32001PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 1 Indicator - Transition Rate (Primary) [82]
Denominator -Class 5th enrolment previous year [720]
Numerator 1 -Fresh enrolment in class 6th of Children in the present year [339]
Theme-3T32002PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 1 Indicator - Transition Rate (Upper Primary) [83]
Denominator -Class 8th enrolment previous year [721]
Numerator 1 -Fresh enrolment in class 9th of Children in the present year [341]
Theme-3T32003PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 1 Indicator - Transition Rate (Secondary ) [84]
Denominator -Class 10th enrolment previous year [703]
Numerator 1 -Fresh enrolment in class 11th of Children in the present yea [340]
Theme-3T32101NegativeMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 1 Indicator - Drop-out Rate (Primary) [86]
Numerator 1 -Drop-out rate (Primary) [31]
Theme-3T32102NegativeMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 1 Indicator - Drop-out Rate (Upper Primary) [87]
Numerator 1 -Drop-out rate(Upper Primary) [33]
Theme-3T32103NegativeMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 1 Indicator - Drop-out Rate ( Secondary) [88]
Numerator 1 -Drop-out rate (Secondary) [32]
Theme-3T32501PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 1 Indicator - Ratio of female-male enrolled in Primary [92]
Denominator -Number of Male enrolled in Primary [583]
Numerator 1 -Number of Female enrolled in Primary [186]
Theme-3T32502PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 1 Indicator - Ratio of female-male enrolled in Upper Primary [93]
Denominator -Number of Male enrolled in Upper Primary [584]
Numerator 1 -Number of Female enrolled in Upper Primary [188]
Theme-3T32503PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 1 Indicator - Ratio of female-male enrolled in Secondary [94]
Denominator -Number of Male enrolled in Secondary [544]
Numerator 1 -Number of Female enrolled in Secondary [187]
Theme-3T32504PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 1 Indicator - Ratio of female-male enrolled in Higher Secondary [95]
Denominator -Number of Male enrolled in Higher Secondary [527]
Numerator 1 -Number of Female enrolled in Higher Secondary [185]
Theme-3T32700PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 1 Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having their Own building [97]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis have their own building [406]
Theme-3T32800PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 1 Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having access to Adequate and Safe drinking water [98]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis have Adequate and Safe drinking water [390]
Theme-3T32900PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having Colourful Wall Painting [234]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis have Colourful Wall Painting [394]
Theme-3T33000PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 1 Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having Child-Friendly Toilets [100]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis having child friendly toilets [146]
Theme-3T33100PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having Open space for outdoor activities [236]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis have Open spaces for outdoor activities [404]
Theme-3T33200PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having First Aid Box & Medicine Kit [237]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis have a First Aid Box and medicine Kit [1]
Theme-3T33300PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having Weighing Machine [238]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis have a Weighing Machine [2]
Theme-3T33400PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having Community Growth Chart and Mother and Child Protection Card [239]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis has a Community Growth Chart and MCP Card [396]
Theme-3T33500PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having a Smartphone for Anganwadi Workers [240]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadi have Smartphones for Anganwadi Workers(AWWs) [412]
Theme-3T33600PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having Ramps for Physically challenged children/persons [241]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis have RAMPS for Physically challenged children/persons [408]
Theme-3T33701PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having cooked food/supply of SNP or having gas connection for cooking meal etc [242]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadi have regular supply of SNP & Gas Connection [410]
Theme-3T33702PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having Electricity [108]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis have Electricity [399]
Theme-3T33703PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having Nutrition Garden [244]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis have a Nutrition Garden [402]
Theme-3T33801PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Primary Schools have their own building in GP [302]
Denominator -Number of Primary schools in GP [383]
Numerator 1 -Number of Primary School has own building [485]
Theme-3T33802PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - percentage of primary schools have Boundary walls/fencing & gate [111]
Denominator -Number of Primary schools in GP [383]
Numerator 1 -Number of Primary school has Boundary wall/fencing & gate [473]
Theme-3T33803PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of primary schools have Adequate Manpower [305]
Denominator -Number of Primary schools in GP [383]
Numerator 1 -Number of Primary school has Adequate Manpower [472]
Theme-3T33804PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of primary schools have Electricity [306]
Denominator -Number of Primary schools in GP [383]
Numerator 1 -Number of Primary school has Electricity [477]
Theme-3T33805PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Primary School has Library [308]
Denominator -Number of Primary schools in GP [383]
Numerator 1 -Number of Primary School has Library [480]
Theme-3T33806PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of primary school has computer [309]
Denominator -Number of Primary schools in GP [383]
Numerator 1 -Number of Primary School has computer [487]
Theme-3T33807PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of primary schools have adequate Furniture [310]
Denominator -Number of Primary schools in GP [383]
Numerator 1 -Number of primary school has adequate Furniture [478]
Theme-3T33808PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Primary school has Drinking water Facilities [311]
Denominator -Number of Primary schools in GP [383]
Numerator 1 -Number of Primary School has Drinking Water Facilities [488]
Theme-3T33809PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Primary school has Separate Child Friendly toilets for girls and boys [312]
Denominator -Number of Primary schools in GP [383]
Numerator 1 -Number of Primary School has Separate Child Friendly Toilet for girls and boys [483]
Theme-3T33810PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Primary school has RAMPS for Physically challenged persons [313]
Denominator -Number of Primary schools in GP [383]
Numerator 1 -Number of Primary School has Ramps for Physically Challenged Persons [482]
Theme-3T33811PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Primary school has Play ground [314]
Denominator -Number of Primary schools in GP [383]
Numerator 1 -Number of Primary School has Play Ground [481]
Theme-3T33812PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Primary school has Kitchen garden [121]
Denominator -Number of Primary schools in GP [383]
Numerator 1 -Number of Primary School has Kitchen Garden [491]
Theme-3T33813PositiveMandatorySub IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Anganwadis having computers for Children [316]
Denominator -Number of Anganwadis in GP [574]
Numerator 1 -Number of Anganwadis have Computer/mobile phone for Children [398]