Theme-6 | T60301 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Infrastructure Health | Indicator - Is there a Public Health Center (PHC)or Health Sub Center(HSC) in the village? [245] Numerator 1 -Is there a PHC or HSC in the village? [123] |
Theme-6 | T60500 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Infrastructure Health | Indicator - If Public Health Center(PHC)/Health Sub Center (HSC) is not there, then does the Panchayat has road access to nearest Public Health Center (PHC)/Health Sub Center (HSC)? [264] Numerator 1 -If PHC/HSC is not there, then does the Panchayat has road access to nearest PHC/HSC? [95] |
Theme-6 | T60600 | Positive | Optional | Main Indicator | Infrastructure Animal Husbandry | Indicator - Is there a Livestock aid centre in the village? [265] Numerator 1 -Is there a Livestock aid centre in the village? [122] |
Theme-6 | T60901 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Infrastructure Education | Indicator - Number of Primary schools in GP [301] Numerator 1 -Number of Primary schools in GP [383] |
Theme-6 | T61001 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Community Services | Indicator - Whether Common Service Center(CSC) is functioning in Panchayat building? [317] Numerator 1 -Whether CSC is functioning in Panchayat building? [348] |
Theme-6 | T61002 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Community Services | Indicator - If not, Whether Common Service Center (CSC)Functioning is in rented building [318] Numerator 1 -Whether CSC Functioning is in rented building [94] |
Theme-6 | T61301 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Community Services | Indicator - Whether GP has a Community Hall [339] Numerator 1 -Whether GP has a Community Hall or not [361] |
Theme-6 | T61500 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Basic Facilities | Indicator - Availability of roads to all villages in Gram Panchayat [347] Numerator 1 -Availability of roads to all villages in Gram Panchayat [311] |
Theme-6 | T61600 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Basic Facilities | Indicator - Road Connectivity from GP to main Road [348] Numerator 1 -Road- Connectivity from GP to main Road [312] |
Theme-6 | T61700 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Basic Facilities | Indicator - Road- Proper lighting facility in Gram Panchayat/ Panchayat Samiti road [349] Numerator 1 -Road- Proper lighting facility in GP /PS road [313] |
Theme-6 | T61800 | Negative | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Basic Facilities | Indicator - Percentage of Households living in Kutcha houses [422] Denominator -Total Households [517] Numerator 1 -Number of Household(HHs) living in Kutcha House [202] |
Theme-6 | T62000 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Basic Facilities | Indicator - Percentage of street light installed to street lights required [356] Denominator -Total number of Street Lights required [665] Numerator 1 -Number of Street light installed [264] |
Theme-6 | T62100 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Basic Facilities | Indicator - Whether street light provided in other public places for ensuring the safety [357] Numerator 1 -Whether street light provided in other public places for ensuring the safety [389] |
Theme-6 | T62300 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Basic Facilities | Indicator - Is local market connected by all-weather road connectivity? [362] Numerator 1 -Is local market connected by all-weather road connectivity? [120] |
Theme-6 | T62400 | Positive | Optional | Main Indicator | Basic Facilities | Indicator - Whether the GP has easy access to Godown [363] Numerator 1 -Whether the GP has easy access to Godown [441] |
Theme-6 | T62500 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Basic Facilities | Indicator - Whether there is a System for safe disposal of waste material [364] Numerator 1 -Whether there is a System for safe disposal of waste material [507] |
Theme-6 | T62601 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Infrastructure Sports | Indicator - Whether GP has Play Ground [365] Numerator 1 -Whether GP has Play Ground [367] |
Theme-6 | T6270 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Disaster Management | Indicator - Whether the Panchayat has prepared the Disaster Management Plan [32] Numerator 1 -Whether the Panchayat has prepared the Disaster Management Plan [470] |
Theme-6 | T62800 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Disaster Management | Indicator - If the Gram Panchayat does not have a Disaster Management Plan, whether they have imparted training [371] Numerator 1 -If the GP does not have a Disaster Management Plan, whether they have imparted training [115] |
Theme-6 | T62900 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Disaster Management | Indicator - If the Gram Panchayat does have a Disaster Management Plan, then: First Responders trained at the GP level [372] Numerator 1 -If the GP does have a Disaster Management Plan, then whether the First Responders trained at the GP level [114] |
Theme-6 | T63001 | Positive | Optional | Main Indicator | Disaster Management | Indicator - Whether the GP has a Disaster Shelter/Community Shelter [373] Numerator 1 -Whether the GP has a disaster shelter [11] |
Theme-6 | T63006 | Positive | Optional | Main Indicator | Disaster Management | Indicator - If Disaster Shelter/Community Shelter is available, whether the building has utensil set [378] Numerator 1 -If disaster shelter is available, whether the building has Utensil set [53] |
Theme-6 | T63100 | Positive | Optional | Main Indicator | Disaster Management | Indicator - Is there any identified safe areas for domestic animals care in the event of Disaster [380] Numerator 1 -Is there any identified safe areas for domestic animals care in the event of Disaster [124] |
Theme-6 | T63200 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | Child Development - 2 | Indicator - Whether the GP has child friendly park with required facilities [125] Numerator 1 -Whether the GP has child friendly park with required facilities [439] |
Theme-6 | T63300 | Positive | Mandatory | Main Indicator | GP Spending | Indicator - Total GP spending on Infrastructure as percentage of total plan expenditure [382] Denominator -Total GP expenditure (All Scheme) [523] Numerator 1 -GP expenditure on Infrastructure [45] |