Main Indicators
ThemeTheme CodeCategoryMandatory/OptionalIndicator TypeGroupDetails
Theme-3777PositiveMandatoryMain Indicator Indicator - Percentage of primary Schools have a hygienic Kitchen [595]
Denominator -Number of Primary schools in GP [383]
Numerator 1 -Number of Primary School has a kitchen [541]
Theme-3T30100PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild survivalIndicator - Percentage of Children whose birth has been registered [62]
Denominator -Total number of children born during the reference year [623]
Numerator 1 -number of Children whose birth has been registered [159]
Theme-3T30300NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorChild survivalIndicator - Percentage of maternal death to live birth [550]
Denominator -Live births of child during reference year [540]
Numerator 1 -Maternal Deaths during the reference year [125]
Theme-3T30400PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild survivalIndicator - Percentage of institutional delivery [65]
Denominator -Total number of births [621]
Numerator 1 -Total number of institutional delivery [323]
Theme-3T30500NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorChild survivalIndicator - Under-five mortality rate of child per 1,000 live births [66]
Denominator -Number of children in age under 5 years [518]
Numerator 1 -Number of deaths of children of age under 5 year (0-59 months) during the reference year [134]
Theme-3T30700PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild survivalIndicator - Percentage of children (0-3 years) registered under ICDS out of total eligible children (0-3 years) [68]
Denominator -Total number of eligible children (0-3 years) under ICDS [524]
Numerator 1 -Total number of registered children (0-3 years) under ICDS [328]
Theme-3T30800PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild survivalIndicator - Percentage of children (3-6 years) registered under ICDS out of total eligible children (3-6 years) [69]
Denominator -Total number of eligible children (3-6 years) under ICDS [520]
Numerator 1 -Total number of registered children (3-6 years) under ICDS [329]
Theme-3T30900PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild survivalIndicator - Percentage of Pregnant Women and lactating mothers registered under ICDS out of total eligible Pregnant Women and lactating mothers [70]
Denominator -Total number of eligible Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers [521]
Numerator 1 -Total number of registered Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers under ICDS [332]
Theme-3T31000PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild survivalIndicator - Percentage of eligible children getting served under ICDS [71]
Denominator -Total number of eligible children [628]
Numerator 1 -Total number of registered children under ICDS [327]
Theme-3T31100PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild survivalIndicator - Percentage of children aged 12-23 months who received all basic vaccinations ( BCG, measles and three doses each of polio and DPT or Penta vaccine excluding polio vaccine given at birth) [46]
Denominator -Children aged 12-23 months in GP [537]
Numerator 1 -Children aged 12-23 months who received all basic vaccinations (BCG, measles and three doses each of polio (excluding polio vaccine given at birth) and DPT or Penta vaccine [15]
Theme-3T31200PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild survivalIndicator - Percentage of children (0-3 years) with disabilities receiving Early Childhood Intervention [73]
Denominator -Total number of children(0-3 years) with disabilities [625]
Numerator 1 -Number of Children (0-3 years) with disabilities receiving Early Childhood Intervention [14]
Theme-3T31300NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorChild survivalIndicator - Percentage of children aged under 5 years who are underweight [47]
Denominator -Number of children in age under 5 years [518]
Numerator 1 -Total underweight Children under 5 Year [17]
Theme-3T31400NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorChild survivalIndicator - Percentage of children under age 5 years who are wasted [75]
Denominator -Number of children in age under 5 years [518]
Numerator 1 -Total wasted children under 5 Year [19]
Theme-3T31500NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorChild survivalIndicator - Percentage of children under age 5 years who are stunted [76]
Denominator -Number of children in age under 5 years [518]
Numerator 1 -Total stunted children under 5 year [18]
Theme-3T31600NegativeOptionalMain IndicatorChild survivalIndicator - Percentage of Children age 6-59 months who are anaemic (<11.0g/dl) [395]
Denominator -Total Number of children in age group 6-59 months [530]
Numerator 1 -Children aged 6-59 months who are anemic [16]
Theme-3T31700NegativeOptionalMain IndicatorChild survivalIndicator - Percentage of Children age (5-14 years) who are anemic [78]
Denominator -Total number of Children 5-14 years) [622]
Numerator 1 -Number of Children age (5-14 years) who are anemic [156]
Theme-3T31800NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorChild survivalIndicator - Percentage of Adolescent (15-18) Girls who are anaemic [79]
Denominator -Total number of Adolescent (15-19) girls [612]
Numerator 1 -Number of Adolescent (15-18) Girls who are anaemic [132]
Theme-3T31900PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild Development - 1 Indicator - Percentage of children between ages 3-6 years receiving formal pre-school education or early childhood care in AWC [81]
Denominator -Total number of eligible children (3-6 years) under ICDS [520]
Numerator 1 -Number of Children Aged 3-6 years receiving Pre School education or early childhood care in AWC [157]
Theme-3T32200NegativeOptionalMain IndicatorChild Development - 1 Indicator - Percentage of children (14-18 years) who are neither in school / training [89]
Denominator -Total Number of children of age 14-18 years [599]
Numerator 1 -number of children who are 14-18 years, are neither in school / training [158]
Theme-3T32300NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorChild Development - 1 Indicator - Percentage of out of school children in GP to out of the total number of children in the reference age group (6-14 Years) [90]
Denominator -total number of children in the reference age group(6-14 Years) [561]
Numerator 1 -Number of out of school children in GP [232]
Theme-3T32400PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorChild Development - 1 Indicator - Ratio of male-female enrolled in higher education, technical and vocational education up to 18 years [91]
Denominator -Number of Male enrolled in higher education, technical and vocational education. [582]
Numerator 1 -Number of Female enrolled in higher education, technical and vocational education. [184]
Theme-3T32600PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild Development - 1 Indicator - Percentage of children with disabilities enrolled in schools/ special schools [96]
Denominator -Total number of Children with disabilities [624]
Numerator 1 -Number of Children with disabilities enrolled in Schools/Special Schools [160]
Theme-3T33900PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Whether the GP has play ground accessible to all children [123]
Numerator 1 -Whether the GP has play ground accessible to all children [444]
Theme-3T34000PositiveOptionalMain IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Whether the GP has well-equipped Library–Cum Information Centre [124]
Numerator 1 -Whether the GP has a well-equipped Library Cum Information Centre [450]
Theme-3T34100PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Whether the GP has child friendly park with required facilities [125]
Numerator 1 -Whether the GP has child friendly park with required facilities [439]
Theme-3T34200PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ProtectionIndicator - Child Sex Ratio (0-6 years) [431]
Denominator -Number of Boys in the age group 0-6 years [576]
Numerator 1 -Number of Girls in the age group 0-6 years [195]
Theme-3T34300PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ProtectionIndicator - Whether the GP has a functional Village Level Child Protection Committee (VLCPC) [128]
Numerator 1 -Whether the GP has a functional Village Level Child Protection Committee (VLCPC) [435]
Theme-3T34400NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ProtectionIndicator - Percentage of Crime Committed against Children during the year [129]
Denominator -Total Population of children (under 18 years) in GP [683]
Numerator 1 -Number of Crime reported against Children during the year [167]
Theme-3T34500NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ProtectionIndicator - Number of Missing Children [439]
Numerator 1 -Number of missing children reported [226]
Theme-3T34600NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ProtectionIndicator - Percentage of trafficked/missing girl children (against all trafficked children) [131]
Denominator -Total number of trafficked & missing children [667]
Numerator 1 -Number of trafficked/missing girl children reported [267]
Theme-3T34700NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ProtectionIndicator - Number of POCSO cases reported [132]
Numerator 1 -Number of POCSO cases reported [244]
Theme-3T34800NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ProtectionIndicator - Percentage of offences reported under POCSO [133]
Denominator -Total Population of children (under 18 years) in GP [683]
Numerator 1 -Number of offences reported during the reference year [230]
Theme-3T34900NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ProtectionIndicator - Number of sexual crime against girl children to total crime against children [134]
Denominator -Number of Crime reported against Children during the year [167]
Numerator 1 -Number of Sexual Crime reported against Girl Children [259]
Theme-3T35000NegativeMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ProtectionIndicator - Number of Child Marriage reported [443]
Numerator 1 -Number of Child Marriage reported [154]
Theme-3T35100PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ProtectionIndicator - Whether the GP has taken any action to prevent child marriage [136]
Numerator 1 -Whether the GP has taken any action to prevent child marriage [448]
Theme-3T35200PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ProtectionIndicator - Whether the GP has taken any initiative on preventing crimes against children? [137]
Numerator 1 -Whether the GP has taken any initiative on preventing crimes against children? [449]
Theme-3T35300PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ProtectionIndicator - Whether the GP has made list of Vulnerable children (Ultra Poor, differently abled, SC/ST, Migrants, etc) [138]
Numerator 1 -Whether the GP has made list of Vulnerable children (Ultra Poor, differently abled, SC/ST, Migrants, etc.,) [443]
Theme-3T35400PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ProtectionIndicator - Whether Disaster Management Plan addresses the needs of children [139]
Numerator 1 -Whether Disaster Management Plan addresses the needs of children [349]
Theme-3T35500PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ParticipationIndicator - Whether Resolution of the Bal Sabha is discussed in Gram Sabha and incorporated in GPDP [142]
Numerator 1 -Whether Resolution of the Bal Sabha is discussed in Gram Sabha and incorporated in GPDP [385]
Theme-3T35600PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ParticipationIndicator - Whether the GP involves children/Adolescents in preparation and implementation of Gram Panchayat Development Plan [143]
Numerator 1 -Whether the GP involves children/Adolescents in preparation and implementation of GPDP [451]
Theme-3T35700PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ParticipationIndicator - Whether the Village Level Child Protection Committee (VLCPC) has at least 2 children (adolescent) as member [144]
Numerator 1 -Whether the Village Level Child Protection Committee has at least 2 children (adolescent) as member [505]
Theme-3T35800PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ParticipationIndicator - Whether the issues related to children are discussed in the Gram Sabha [145]
Numerator 1 -Whether the issues related to children are discussed in the Gram Sabha [457]
Theme-3T35900PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ParticipationIndicator - Percentage of child centric issues on which action has been taken (Action taken -against issues discussed) [146]
Denominator -Number of child centric issues discussed in Gram Sabha [581]
Numerator 1 -Number of child centric issues on which action has been taken by GP [153]
Theme-3T36000PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ParticipationIndicator - Number of public schools, markets, public institutions and public places where functional and easily accessible toliets for children are available [147]
Denominator -Total number of public schools, markets, public institutions and public places [658]
Numerator 1 -Number of public schools, markets, public institutions and public places where functional and easily accessible toilets for children are available [252]
Theme-3T36100PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ParticipationIndicator - Percentage of public schools where separate and functional toilets are available for girls [148]
Denominator -Total number of public schools [657]
Numerator 1 -Number of public schools where separate and functional toilets are available for girls [251]
Theme-3T36200PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild ParticipationIndicator - Percentage of schools, Anganwadi, and community toilets having water facility & soap for hand washing [149]
Denominator -Total number of schools, Anganwadi, and community toilets [660]
Numerator 1 -Number of schools, Anganwadi, and community toilets having water facility & soap for hand washing [256]
Theme-3T36300PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorGP spendingIndicator - Percentage of budget earmarked for activities that directly benefit children [150]
Denominator -Total GP Budget ( All scheme) [548]
Numerator 1 -Total budget earmarked for activities that directly benefit children (Women and child development) [315]
Theme-3T36400PositiveMandatoryMain IndicatorChild Development - 2Indicator - Percentage of Schools in GP having Special Education [596]
Denominator -Number of Schools [589]
Numerator 1 -Total Number of Schools having Special Education in GP [127]