List of Indicators & Data Points Under Theme 5 - Clean and Green Panchayat
Theme-5OptionalPercentage of community Toilets having water facility & soap for hand washing. [186]Number of community Toilets having water facility & soap for hand washing [165]Total number of community toilets [551]
Theme-5OptionalPercentage of fallow area restored [219]Fallow land area restored in GP [36]Area under Fallow land [563]
Theme-5OptionalPercentage of Fishers having received any assistance from Govt for improvement in Fisheries [208]Number of Fisher Men and Women received any assistance from Govt for improvement in Fisheries [190]Total number of fishers [553]
Theme-5OptionalPercentage of Fishers in Fish Farmer Producers organization (FFPOs) [207]Number of Fisher Man and Women in Fish Farmer Producer Organization [189]Total number of fishers [553]
Theme-5OptionalPercentage of households connected to some form of sewage treatment system [195]Number of Households connected to sewage treatment system [204]Total Households [517]
Theme-5OptionalPercentage of Institutions and businesses segregating the dry and wet garbage [188]Number of institutions and businesses segregating the dry and wet waste [218]Total number of institutions and businesses [643]
Theme-5OptionalPercentage of plant nurseries created in the panchayat to land area [214]Number of plant nurseries created in GP [243]Total area of GP [528]
Theme-5OptionalPercentage of pump set for which Renewable Energy is used [202]Number of pump sets using renewable energy [253]Total Number of pump sets [659]
Theme-5OptionalPercentage of restoration of water bodies in the hilly areas [213]Number of Water Bodies restored in the hilly areas [276]Total number of Water Bodies & Tanks [669]
Theme-5OptionalPercentage of Trees Planted per hectare under Social Forestry Program in the Village [215]Number of Trees Planted under Social Forestry Program in the Village [269]Total area of GP [528]
Theme-5OptionalPercentage use of nitrogenous fertilizer to total fertilizer [205]Consumption of Nitrogenous fertilizer during the reference year [24]Consumption of total fertilizer during the reference year [566]
Theme-5OptionalProportion of Area in high slope areas, barren lands and other common lands covered by trees. [216]Area in high slope areas, barren lands and other common lands covered by trees. [7]Total area under high slope areas, barren lands and other common lands [601]
Theme-5OptionalProportion of tree cover to total geographical area [209]Area under Tree Cover [10]Total area of GP [528]
Theme-5OptionalWhether there is adequate infrastructure facilities for fishing [206]Whether there is adequate infrastructure facilities for fishing [508] 
Theme-5MandatoryIs there a committee functioning in the GP for environmental conservation? [210]Is there a committee functioning in the GP for environmental conservation? [121] 
Theme-5MandatoryPercentage availability of toilets separately for men and women at public buildings and markets [184]Number of public buildings and markets having at least one separate toilet for men and Women [248]Total Number of public buildings and markets [709]
Theme-5MandatoryPercentage of community toilets having a toilet designed for Divyang (Disabled) [185]Number of community toilets having a toilets designed for Divyang [164]Total number of community toilets [551]
Theme-5MandatoryPercentage of households having access to safe toilets [182]Number of Households having access to Safe Toilets [209]Total Households [517]
Theme-5MandatoryPercentage of household using clean cooking fuel [200]Number of households using clean cooking fuel [214]Total Households [517]
Theme-5MandatoryPercentage of houses having no stagnant waste water around them [194]Number of Households having no stagnant waste water around them [211]Total Households [517]
Theme-5MandatoryPercentage of Individual Household Latrine (IHHL) Toilets [181]Number of IHHL Toilets [191]Total Number of Toilets in GP [556]
Theme-5MandatoryPercentage of lighting systems using LED lights including street lights [203]Number of lighting systems including street lights using LED [222]Total number of lighting systems including street lights [647]
Theme-5MandatoryPercentage of local government spending on environmental protection, Toilets, Waste management, Clean Energy, Sustainable Agriculture out of total GP expenditure [221]GP spending on on environmental protection, Toilets, Waste management, Clean Energy, Sustainable Agriculture [46]Total GP expenditure (All Scheme) [523]
Theme-5MandatoryPercentage of street light for which Renewable Energy is used [201]Number of street lights using renewable energy [265]Total Number of street lights [664]
Theme-5MandatoryPercentage of village in GP having arrangement of Liquid Waste Management [196]Number of village in GP having arrangement of Liquid Waste Management [511]Total number of village in GP [723]
Theme-5MandatoryPercentage of village in GP having facility with Waste collection & segregation sheds [187]Number of village in GP having facility with Waste collection & segregation sheds [509]Total number of village in GP [723]
Theme-5MandatoryPercentage of village in GPs having arrangement of Solid Waste Management [197]Number of village in GP having arrangement of Solid Waste Management [388]Total number of village in GP [723]
Theme-5MandatoryWhether the Gram Panchayat has banned single use plastic? [199]Has the panchayat banned single use plastic? [47] 
Theme-5MandatoryWhether the nurseries created in the school in the GP [218]Whether the nurseries created in the school in the GP [468] 
Theme-5MandatoryWhether the People Bio-diversity Register is updated by Gram Panchayat ? [211]Whether the People Bio-diversity Register is updated by GP ? [116] 
Theme-5MandatoryWhether the Safety measures followed for the sanitation workers in GP [191]Whether the Safety measures followed for the sanitation workers in GP [499] 
Theme-5MandatoryWhether the Scientific disposal / recovery of non-biodegradable wastes (plastic, glass, metal, etc.) is practiced [189]Whether the Scientific disposal / recovery of non-biodegradable wastes (plastic, glass, metal, etc.) is practiced [500] 
Theme-5MandatoryWhether the Scientific treatment of biodegradable waste is being done [190]Whether the Scientific treatment of biodegradable waste is being done [501]